Enum CalculationType
Calculation type defines the view for a particular computational object (or value field).
Namespace: Syncfusion.PivotAnalysis.Base
Assembly: Syncfusion.PivotAnalysis.Base.dll
public enum CalculationType
Name | Description |
DifferenceFrom | Displays values as the difference from the value of the BaseItem in the BaseField. |
Distinct | Displays the subtotals based on the distinct values of BaseItem defined for calculation item. |
Formula | Displays a calculation based on a well formed algebraic expression involving other calculations. |
Index | Displays a value cell as an index value based on PivotEngine generation. |
NoCalculation | Remove the custom calculations and restore to original values. |
PercentageOf | Displays values as a percentage of the value of the BaseItem in the BaseField. |
PercentageOfColumnTotal | Displays all value cells in each column as a percentage of its corresponding column total. |
PercentageOfDifferenceFrom | Displays values as the percentage difference from the value of the BaseItem in the BaseField. |
PercentageOfGrandTotal | Displays a value cell as a percentage of grand total of all value cells of PivotEngine. |
PercentageOfParentColumnTotal | Displays a value cell as a percentage of parent column item values. |
PercentageOfParentRowTotal | Displays a value cell as a percentage of parent row item values. |
PercentageOfParentTotal | Displays a value cell as a percentage of BaseField (Parent Row/Column Total). |
PercentageOfRowTotal | Displays all value cells in each row as a percentage of its corresponding row total. |
PercentageOfRunningTotalIn | Calculates the value of successive items in the BaseField that are displayed as a running total as a percentage. |
RankLargestToSmallest | Displays the rank of selected values in a specific field, listing the largest item in the field as 1 and each smaller value will have a higher rank value. |
RankSmallestToLargest | Displays the rank of selected values in a specific field, listing the smallest item in the field as 1 and each larger value will have a higher rank value. |
RunningTotalIn | Displays the value of successive items in the BaseField as a running total. |