Enum Pdf3DLightingStyle
Specifies the available styles for applying light to 3D artwork.
Namespace: Syncfusion.Pdf.Interactive
Assembly: Syncfusion.Pdf.Base.dll
public enum Pdf3DLightingStyle
//Create a new PDF document.
PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();
//Create a new page .
PdfPage page = document.Pages.Add();
//Create a new pdf3d annotation.
Pdf3DAnnotation pdf3dAnnotation = new Pdf3DAnnotation(new RectangleF(10, 50, 300, 150), @"Input.u3d");
//Create pdfFont, pdfFont style and brush.
Font font = new Font("Calibri", 11, FontStyle.Regular);
PdfFont pdfFont = new PdfTrueTypeFont(font, false);
PdfBrush brush = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.DarkBlue);
//Create 3D activation.
Pdf3DActivation activation = new Pdf3DActivation();
activation.ActivationMode = Pdf3DActivationMode.PageVisible;
activation.ShowToolbar = true;
pdf3dAnnotation.Activation = activation;
Pdf3DView defaultView = new Pdf3DView();
defaultView.ExternalName = "Near View";
defaultView.CameraToWorldMatrix = new float[] { -0.382684f, 0.92388f, -0.0000000766026f, 0.18024f, 0.0746579f, 0.980785f, 0.906127f, 0.37533f, -0.19509f, -100, -112.432f, 45.6829f };
defaultView.CenterOfOrbit = 131.695f;
//Set the 3D background.
Pdf3DBackground background=new Pdf3DBackground();
background.Color=new PdfColor(Color.Blue);
defaultView.Background = background;
//Set the projection.
Pdf3DProjection projection = new Pdf3DProjection(Pdf3DProjectionType.Orthographic);
defaultView.Projection = projection;
//Set the render mode.
Pdf3DRendermode renderMode = new Pdf3DRendermode(Pdf3DRenderStyle.Solid);
defaultView.RenderMode = renderMode;
//Set the lighting scheme.
Pdf3DLighting lighting = new Pdf3DLighting(Pdf3DLightingStyle.Night);
defaultView.LightingScheme = lighting;
//Add the view.
pdf3dAnnotation.Appearance.Normal.Graphics.DrawString("Click to activate", pdfFont, brush, new PointF(40, 40));
//Add this annotation to a new page.
pdf3dAnnotation.Appearance.Normal.Draw(page, new PointF(pdf3dAnnotation.Location.X, pdf3dAnnotation.Location.Y));
//Adds annotation to page.
//Save the document to disk.
//close the document.
'Create a new PDF document.
Dim document As New PdfDocument()
'Create a new page .
Dim page As PdfPage = document.Pages.Add()
'Create a new pdf3d annotation.
Dim pdf3dAnnotation As New Pdf3DAnnotation(New RectangleF(10, 50, 300, 150), "Input.u3d")
'Create pdfFont, pdfFont style and brush.
Dim font As New Font("Calibri", 11, FontStyle.Regular)
Dim pdfFont As PdfFont = New PdfTrueTypeFont(font, False)
Dim brush As PdfBrush = New PdfSolidBrush(Color.DarkBlue)
Dim activation As New Pdf3DActivation()
activation.ActivationMode = Pdf3DActivationMode.PageVisible
activation.ShowToolbar = True
pdf3dAnnotation.Activation = activation
Dim defaultView As New Pdf3DView()
defaultView.ExternalName = "Near View"
defaultView.CameraToWorldMatrix = New Single() { -0.382684f, 0.92388f, -0.0000000766026f, 0.18024f, 0.0746579f, 0.980785f, 0.906127f, 0.37533f, -0.19509f, -100, -112.432f, 45.6829f }
defaultView.CenterOfOrbit = 131.695f
'Set the 3D background.
Dim background As New Pdf3DBackground()
background.Color = New PdfColor(Color.Blue)
defaultView.Background = background
'Set the projection.
Dim projection As New Pdf3DProjection(Pdf3DProjectionType.Orthographic)
defaultView.Projection = projection
'Set the render mode.
Dim renderMode As New Pdf3DRendermode(Pdf3DRenderStyle.Solid)
defaultView.RenderMode = renderMode
'Set the lighting scheme.
Dim lighting As New Pdf3DLighting(Pdf3DLightingStyle.Night)
defaultView.LightingScheme = lighting
'Add the view.
pdf3dAnnotation.Appearance.Normal.Graphics.DrawString("Click to activate", pdfFont, brush, New PointF(40, 40))
'Add this annotation to a new page.
pdf3dAnnotation.Appearance.Normal.Draw(page, New PointF(pdf3dAnnotation.Location.X, pdf3dAnnotation.Location.Y))
'Save the document to disk.
'close the document.
Name | Description |
Artwork | The Lights as specified in the 3D artwork. |
Blue | Three blue infinite lights. |
CAD | Three grey infinite lights and one light attached to the camera. |
Cube | Six grey infinite lights aligned with the major axes. |
Day | Three light-grey infinite lights. |
Hard | Three grey infinite lights. |
Headlamp | Single infinite light attached to the camera. |
Night | One yellow, one aqua, and one blue infinite light. |
None | The lighting specified in the 3D artwork is ignored. |
Primary | One red, one green, and one blue infinite light. |
Red | Three red infinite lights. |
White | Three blue-grey infinite lights. |