Enum FieldType
Specifies the type of fields.
Namespace: Syncfusion.DocIO
Assembly: Syncfusion.DocIO.Base.dll
public enum FieldType
Name | Description |
FieldAddin | Specifies Addins. |
FieldAddressBlock | Specifies AddressBlock |
FieldAdvance | Offset subsequent text within a line to the left, right, up or down. |
FieldAsk | Prompt the user for text to assign to a bookmark. |
FieldAuthor | The name of the document's author from Summary Info. |
FieldAutoNum | Insert an automatic number. |
FieldAutoNumLegal | Insert an automatic number in legal format. |
FieldAutoNumOutline | Insert an automatic number in outline format. |
FieldAutoText | Insert an AutoText entry. |
FieldAutoTextList | Insert text based on style. |
FieldBarCode | Insert a delivery point barcode. |
FieldBidiOutline | Specifies FieldType as BIDIOUTLINE. |
FieldComments | The comments from Summary Info. |
FieldCompare | Compares two values. |
FieldCreateDate | The date the document was created. |
FieldData | Specifies data. |
FieldDatabase | Insert data from an external database. |
FieldDate | Specified Today`s Date. |
FieldDDE | Specified Type as FieldDDE. |
FieldDDEAuto | Specified Type as FieldDDEAuto. |
FieldDocProperty | Insert the value of the property. |
FieldDocVariable | Insert the value of the document variable. |
FieldEditTime | The total document editing time. |
FieldEmbed | Specifies OLE embedded object. |
FieldEmpty | Specified Empty Field. |
FieldExpression | Specifies Field Expression. |
FieldFileName | The document's name. |
FieldFileSize | The size on disk of the active document. |
FieldFillIn | Prompt the user for text to insert in the document. |
FieldFootnoteRef | Specifies FieldType as FootnoteRef. |
FieldFormCheckBox | Specifies Check box control. |
FieldFormDropDown | Specifies Drop Down box control. |
FieldFormTextInput | Specifies Text control. |
FieldFormula | Calculates the result of an expression. |
FieldGlossary | Specifies FieldGlossary. |
FieldGoToButton | Specifies GoToButton control. |
FieldHTMLActiveX | Specifies HTMLActiveX control. |
FieldHyperlink | Specifies Hyperlink control. |
FieldIf | Evaluate arguments conditionally. |
FieldImport | Specifies FieldType as Import. |
FieldInclude | Specifies FieldType as Export. |
FieldIncludePicture | Insert a picture from a file. |
FieldIncludeText | Insert text from a file. |
FieldIndex | Create an index. |
FieldIndexEntry | Mark an index entry. |
FieldInfo | Data from Summary Info. |
FieldKeyWord | The keywords from Summary Info. |
FieldLastSavedBy | Name of user who last saved the document. |
FieldLink | Linked OLE2 object. |
FieldListNum | Insert an element in a list. |
FieldMacroButton | Run a macro. |
FieldMergeField | Insert a mail merge field. |
FieldMergeRec | The number of the current merge record. |
FieldMergeSeq | Merge record sequence number. |
FieldNext | Go to the next record in a mail merge. |
FieldNextIf | Conditionally go to the next record in a mail merge. |
FieldNone | Field type is not Specifies. |
FieldNoteRef | Insert the number of a footnote or endnote. |
FieldNumChars | The number of characters in the document. |
FieldNumPages | The number of pages in the document. |
FieldNumWords | The number of words in the document. |
FieldOCX | Represents an ActiveX control such as a command button etc. |
FieldPage | Insert the number of the current page. |
FieldPageRef | Insert the number of the page containing the specified bookmark. |
FieldPrint | Download commands to a printer. |
FieldPrintDate | The date the document was last printed. |
FieldPrivate | Stores data for documents converted from other file formats. |
FieldQuote | Insert literal text. |
FieldRef | Insert the text marked by a bookmark. |
FieldRefDoc | Create an index, table of contents, table of figures, and/or table of authorities by using multiple documents. |
FieldRevisionNum | Insert the number of times the document has been saved. |
FieldSaveDate | The date the document was last saved. |
FieldSection | Insert the number of the current section. |
FieldSectionPages | Insert the total number of pages in the section. |
FieldSequence | Insert an automatic sequence number. |
FieldSet | Assign new text to a bookmark. |
FieldShape | Specifies FieldType as Shape. |
FieldSkipIf | Conditionally skip a record in a mail merge. |
FieldStyleRef | Insert the text from a like-style paragraph. |
FieldSubject | The document's subject from Summary Info. |
FieldSubscriber | The document's Subscriber from Summary Info. |
FieldSymbol | Insert a special character |
FieldTemplate | The name of the template attached to the document. |
FieldTime | The current time. |
FieldTitle | The document's title from Summary Info. |
FieldTOA | Create a table of authorities. |
FieldTOAEntry | Make a table of authorities entry. |
FieldTOC | Create a table of contents. |
FieldTOCEntry | Make a table of contents entry. |
FieldUnknown | Specifies FieldType as Unknown. |
FieldUserAddress | Address from Tools Options User Info. |
FieldUserInitials | Initials form Tools Options User Info. |
FieldUserName | Name from Tools Options User Info. |