Interface IPropertySetStorage
The IPropertySetStorage interface creates, opens, deletes, and enumerates property set storages that support instances of the IPropertyStorage interface.
Namespace: Syncfusion.CompoundFile.XlsIO.Native
Assembly: Syncfusion.XlsIO.Base.dll
public interface IPropertySetStorage
Create(ref Guid, ref Guid, UInt32, STGM, out IPropertyStorage)
The Create method creates and opens a new property set in the property set storage object.
void Create(ref Guid rfmtid, ref Guid pclsid, uint grfFlags, STGM grfMode, out IPropertyStorage ppprstg)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Guid | rfmtid | The FMTID of the property set to be created. For information about FMTIDs that are well-known and predefined in the Platform SDK, see Predefined Property Set Format Identifiers. |
System.Guid | pclsid | A pointer to the initial class identifier CLSID for this property set. May be NULL, in which case it is set to all zeroes. |
System.UInt32 | grfFlags | The values from PROPSETFLAG Constants. |
STGM | grfMode | An access mode in which the newly created property set is to be opened, taken from certain values of STGM_Constants, as described in the following Remarks section. |
IPropertyStorage | ppprstg | A pointer to the output variable that receives the IPropertyStorage interface pointer. |
Delete(ref Guid)
The Delete method deletes one of the property sets contained in the property set storage object.
void Delete(ref Guid rfmtid)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Guid | rfmtid | FMTID of the property set to be deleted. |
The Enum method creates an enumerator object which contains information on the property sets stored in this property set storage.
void Enum(out IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG ppenum)
Type | Name | Description |
IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG | ppenum | Pointer to IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG pointer variable that receives the interface pointer to the newly created enumerator object. |
Open(ref Guid, STGM, out IPropertyStorage)
The Open method opens a property set contained in the property set storage object.
int Open(ref Guid rfmtid, STGM grfMode, out IPropertyStorage ppprstg)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Guid | rfmtid | The format identifier (FMTID) of the property set to be opened. For more information about well-known and predefined FMTIDs in the Platform SDK |
STGM | grfMode | The access mode in which the newly created property set is to be opened. These flags are taken from STGM Constants. |
IPropertyStorage | ppprstg | A pointer to the IPropertyStorage pointer variable that receives the interface pointer to the requested property storage subobject. |
Type |
System.Int32 |