Namespace Syncfusion.EJ2.HeatMap
Specifies the type of the adaptor to process the data set in the heatmap. Cell - This adaptor type processes the cell type data source. Table - This adaptor type processes the table type data source. None - No adaptor type will be used for the data source. |
Defines the alignment in the heatmap. They are, Near - Aligns the element to the left. Center - Aligns the element to the center. Far - Aligns the element to the right. |
Defines the type of the border for the axis labels. The following are the available types. |
Defines the type of the bubble heatmap. The available types are, Size - The bubble heatmap will be rendered in size variations based on the provided data. Color - The bubble heatmap will be rendered in color variations based on the provided data. Sector - Define the bubble type is sector. SizeAndColor - Define the bubble type is sizeandcolor. |
Defines the type of the cells in heatmap. The available types are, Rect - Renders the heatmap cells in rectangle shape. Bubble - Renders the heatmap cells in bubble shape. |
Specifies the color gradient mode in heatmap. Table: The minimum and maximum value colors calculated for overall data. Row: The minimum and maximum value colors calculated for each row of data. Column : The minimum and maximum value colors calculated for each column of data. |
Defines the rendering mode of heatmap. The following are the available rendering modes. SVG - Heatmap is rendered using SVG element. Canvas - Heatmap is rendered using Canvas element. Auto - Automatically switches the rendering mode based on number of records in the data source. |
HeatMap |
HeatMapAxis |
HeatMapAxisLabelBorder |
HeatMapBubbleData |
HeatMapBubbleSize |
HeatMapCellSettings |
HeatMapData |
HeatMapFillColor |
HeatMapFont |
HeatMapLegendSettings |
HeatMapMargin |
HeatMapMultiLevelLabels |
HeatMapPalettes |
HeatMapPaletteSettings |
Defines the theme of the heatmap. |
HeatMapTitle |
HeatMapTooltipBorder |
HeatMapTooltipSettings |
HeatMapYAxisHeatMap |
Defines the type of the interval between the axis labels in date time axis.The available types are, years - Defines the interval of the axis labels in years. months - Defines the interval of the axis labels in months. days - Defines the interval of the axis labels in days. hours - Defines the interval of the axis labels in hours. minutes - Defines the interval of the axis labels in minutes. |
Specifies the display mode for label for smart legend. The available display types are, All: All the labels in the legend are displayed. Edge: Labels will be displayed only at the edges of the legend. None: No labels are displayed. |
Defines the actions when the axis labels intersect with each other.The actions available are, None - Shows all the labels. Trim - Trims the label when label text intersects with other labels. Rotate45 - Rotates the label to 45 degree when it intersects other labels. MultipleRows - Shows all the labels as multiple rows when it intersects other labels. |
Specifies the axis label display type for the date time axis. The following are available types, None - Axis labels displayed based on the value type. years - Displays the axis labels for every year. months - Displays the axis labels for every month. days - Displays the axis labels for every day. hours - Displays the axis labels for every hour. |
the position of the legend. Left - Renders legend at the left of the heatmap. Right - Renders legend at the right of the heatmap. Top - Renders legend at the top of the heatmap. Bottom -Renders legend at the bottom of the heatmap. |
LegendSettingsTitleLegendSettings |
MultiLevelLabelsYAxis |
MultiLevelLabelsYAxisExtends |
Defines the style in which the color is to be applied to the cells. Gradient - Renders the heatmap cells with linear gradient colors. Fixed - Renders the heatmap cells with fixed colors. |
Defines the overflow style of the text in heatmap. None - No action is taken when the text overflows. Wrap - Wraps the multi-level labels when the text overflows. Trim - Trims the multi-level labels when the text overflows. |
TooltipSettingsTextStyleTooltipSettings |
Defines the type of the data to be handled in the axis. The available types are Numeric - Renders a numeric axis. DateTime - Renders a axis that handles date and time. Category - Renders a axis that renders user provided labels. |