Contextual Tabs

20 Aug 201813 minutes to read

Contextual Tabs are collection of Tabs that extended styling and can be shown based on some criteria. Contextual Tabs can be added like tabs including groups and content section. You can set backgroundColor and borderColor to highlight them as Tab set. Contextual tabs can be added or set dynamically in ribbon control using addContextualTabs with it’s object and index position.

  • HTML
  • <template>
            <ej-ribbon id="default" e-width="100%" e-application-tab.bind="ApplicationTab" e-tabs.bind="Tabs" e-contextual-tabs.bind="contextualTabs">
        <div class="content-container-fluid">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="cols-sample-area">
                        <div id="defaultRibbon"></div>
                    <ul id="RibbonMenu">
                    <div id="Contents">Custom Control</div>
                    <div id="headings" class="e-headings">
                            <p>No Spacing</p>
                            <p class="e-strong">ABCD</p>
                            <p class="e-emphasis">ABCD</p>
                    <table id="design" class="e-designtablestyle">
                                <input type="checkbox" id="Check2" />
                                <label for="Check2">First Column</label>
                                <input type="checkbox" id="check4" checked="checked" />
                                <label for="check4">Total Row</label>
  • HTML
  • export class default {
        constructor() {
            this.ApplicationTab = { type: ej.Ribbon.ApplicationTabType.Menu, menuItemID: 'RibbonMenu', menuSettings: {  openOnClick: false } };
            this.Tabs = [{
                id: "home",
                text: "HOME",
                groups: [{
                    text: "CustomControls",
                    type: "custom",
                    contentID: "Contents"
            // contextual Tabs collection
                // contextual tab with custom content
                backgroundColor: "#FCFBEB",
                borderColor: "#F2CC1C",
                tabs: [{
                    id: "Design",
                    text: "DESIGN",
                    groups: [{
                        text: "Table Style Options",
                        type: "custom",
                        contentID: "design"
                 // tab set with background & border color
                     backgroundColor: "blue",
                     borderColor: "red",
                     tabs: [{
                         id: "tabset1",
                         text: "Tabset1",
                         groups: [{
                             text: "Tabset1 Style",
                             type: "custom",
                             contentID: "headings"
                     }, {
                         id: "tabset2",
                         text: "Tabset2",
                         groups: [{
                             text: "TabSet2 Style",
                             content: [{
                                 // groups with button controls
                                 groups: [{
                                     id: "uppercase",
                                     text: "Upper Case",
                                     buttonSettings: {
                                         contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
                                         prefixIcon: "e-ribbon e-icon e-uppercase"
                                 }, {
                                     id: "lowercase",
                                     text: "Lower Case",
                                     buttonSettings: {
                                         contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
                                         prefixIcon: "e-ribbon e-icon e-lowercase"
                                 defaults: {
                                     isBig: true