One Dimensional Barcodes

5 Oct 20154 minutes to read

Code 39

The Code 39 character set includes the digits 0-9, the letters A-Z (upper case only), and the following symbols: space, minus (-), plus (+), period (.), dollar sign ($), slash (/), and percent (%). A special start / stop character is placed at the beginning and ending of each Barcode. The Barcode can be of any length; even more than 25 characters begin to push the bounds. Code 39 is the only type of Barcode that does not require a checksum for common use.

Here is the code example to create Code 39 barcode:

  • HTML
  • <div>
    @*Sets the following properties:
    Text – Text to encode
    SymbologyType - Barcode Type (Default: QRBarcode)
    DisplayText – If original text should be displayed (Optional, Default: true)
    QuietZone – Quiet zone on all sides (Optional, Default: All->1)
    BarcodeToTextGapHeight – Height between barcode and text (Optional, Default: 10)
    BarHeight – Height of bar (Optional, Default: 150)
    DarkBarColor – Color of dark bar (Optional, Default: black)
    EncodeStartStopSymbol – If start stop symbol should be encoded (Mandatory for some types, Default: true)
    LightBarColor – Color of light bar (Optional, Default: white)
    NarrowBarWidth – Width of the narrow bar (Optional, 1)
    TextColor – Color of the display text (Optional, black)
    WideBarWidth – Width of the wide bar (Optional, 3)
              .QuietZone(qz => { qz.All(30);})

    Code 39 Extended

    Code 39 Extended is an extended version of Code 39 that supports ASCII character set. In Code 39 Extended, you can also code 26 lower letters (a-z) and the special characters in the keyboard.

    Code 11

    Code 11 is used primarily for labeling the telecommunication equipment’s. The character set includes the digits 0 to 9, a dash (-), and a start / stop code.


    Codabar is a variable length symbol that encodes the following 20 characters:


    The characters, A, B, C and D are used as start and stop characters. Codabar is used in libraries, blood banks, the package delivery industry and a variety of other information processing applications.

    Code 32

    It is mainly used for coding pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and dietetics. Code 32 is often used to encode Italian Pharmacode that has the following structure:

    • ‘A’ character (ASCII 65), that is not really encoded
    • 8 digits for Pharmacode (It generally begins with / and prefixed with 0)
    • 1 digit for Checksum module 10, that is automatically calculated by Barcode

    The value to be encoded must be8 digits Pharmacode (prefix it with ‘0’ if necessary) and the 9th digit (the checksum) is automatically calculated by Barcode.

    Code 93

    Code 93 was designed to complement and improve upon Code 39. It can represent the entire ASCII character set by using combinations of 2 characters. Code 93 is a continuous, variable-length symbology and produces denser code.

    • The Standard Mode (default implementation) can encode uppercase letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), and special characters like *, -, $, %, (Space), ., /, and +.

    Code 93 Extended

    The Code 93 ExtendedBarcode symbology is continuous, variable length, and self-checking. It is based on Code 93 Barcode. The Extended Version can encode all 128 ASCII characters.

    Code 128

    Code 128 is a variable length, high density, alphanumeric, linear bar code symbology, capable of encoding the full 128-character ASCII character set and extended character sets. This symbology includes a checksum digit for verification and the barcode can also be verified character-by-character by verifying the parity of each data byte.

    Code 128 Code Sets

    • Code Set A (or Chars Set A) includes all of the standard upper case U.S. alphanumeric keyboard characters and punctuation characters along with the control characters, (namely, characters with ASCII values from 0 to 95 inclusive), and seven special characters.
    • Code Set B (or Chars Set B) includes all of the standard upper case alphanumeric keyboard characters and punctuation characters along with the lower case alphabetic characters (namely, characters with ASCII values from 32 to 127 inclusive), and seven special characters.
    • Code Set C (or Chars Set C) includes the set of 100 digit pairs from 00 to 99 inclusive along with three special characters. This allows numeric data to be encoded as two data digits per symbol character, at effectively twice the density of standard data.

    Code 128 Special characters

    The last seven characters of Code Sets A and B (character values 96 - 102) and the last three characters of Code Set C (character values 100 - 102) are special non-data characters with no ASCII character equivalents that have a particular significance to the Barcode reading device.