10 Jan 20171 minute to read
State persistence allows the Scheduler to retain the current model value in the browser cookies for state maintenance. This action is handled through the property enable-persistence
which is set to false by default.
When it is set to true, some of the Schedule control model values will be retained even after refreshing the page which are listed below.
CurrentView | TimeMode |
FirstDayOfWeek | DateFormat |
IsDST | TimeZone |
TimeScale | StartHour |
EndHour | WorkHours |
Height | Width |
CellHeight | CellWidth |
CurrentDate | MinDate |
MaxDate | RenderDates |
Orientation | Views |
WorkWeek | AgendaViewSettings.DaysInAgenda |
EnableLoadOnDemand | ShowLocationField |
ShowAllDayRow | IsResponsive |
EnableRecurrenceValidation | ShowOverflowButton |
AllowDragAndDrop | ShowDeleteConfirmationDialog |
ShowNextPrevMonth | AppointmentDragArea |
The Schedule properties that are not retained while maintaining state persistence are included within the ignoreOnPersist list, which makes it not to persist by default.