TreeGrid Exporting services

18 Sep 20179 minutes to read


The following are the types of exporting is available in TreeGrid.

  • PDF Export.
  • Excel Export.

PDF Export




Name Type Description
TreeGridProperties Object It takes TreeGrid model properties that should be pass to exporting
datasource object It holds the data to be exported in PDF
TreeGridExportSettings object Returns the exporting settings like Unicode support, columns fit to width, hidden column, template, etc..


Name Type Description
TreeGridProperties Object It takes TreeGrid model properties that should be pass to exporting
datasource object It holds the data to be exported in PDF
TreeGridExportSettings object Returns the exporting settings like Unicode support, columns fit to width, hidden column, template, etc..
fileName String With this parameter you can set the downloaded file name. By default it is set to “Export”


Name Type Description
TreeGridProperties Object It takes TreeGrid model properties that should be pass to exporting
datasource object It holds the data to be exported in PDF
TreeGridExportSettings object Returns the exporting settings like Unicode support, columns fit to width, hidden column, template, etc..
fileName String With this parameter you can set the downloaded file name. By default it is set to “Export”
filePath String With this parameter you can set the location where the exporting file should downloaded. It can be local or server machine file path.


Name Type Description
TreeGridProperties Object It takes TreeGrid model properties that should be pass to exporting
datasource object It holds the data to be exported in PDF
TreeGridExportSettings object Returns the exporting settings like Unicode support, columns fit to width, hidden column, template, etc..
exportToFile Boolean Is a Boolean argument, and value ‘true’ specifies the exporting is completed and download it, value ‘false’ specifies the export TreeGrid internally and append something else to it before download starts.
headerText String HeaderText Is to specify the title for export document.
Name Type Description
TreeGridProperties Object It takes TreeGrid model properties that should be pass to exporting
datasource object It holds the data to be exported in PDF
TreeGridExportSettings object Returns the exporting settings like Unicode support, columns fit to width, hidden column, template, etc..
fileName String With this parameter you can set the downloaded file name. By default it is set to “Export”
exportToFile Boolean Is a Boolean argument, and value ‘true’ specifies the exporting is completed and download it, value ‘false’ specifies the export TreeGrid internally and append something else to it before download starts.
headerText String HeaderText Is to specify the title for export document.


Name Type Description
TreeGridProperties Object It takes TreeGrid model properties that should be pass to exporting
datasource object It holds the data to be exported in PDF
TreeGridExportSettings object Returns the exporting settings like Unicode support, columns fit to width, hidden column, template, etc..
fileName String With this parameter you can set the downloaded file name. By default it is set to “Export”
exportToFile Boolean Is a Boolean argument, and value ‘true’ specifies the exporting is completed and download it, value ‘false’ specifies the export TreeGrid internally and append something else to it before download starts.
headerText String HeaderText Is to specify the title for export document.


Name Type Description
TreeGridProperties Object It takes TreeGrid model properties that should be pass to exporting
datasource object It holds the data to be exported in PDF
TreeGridExportSettings object Returns the exporting settings like Unicode support, columns fit to width, hidden column, template, etc..
fileName String With this parameter you can set the downloaded file name. By default it is set to “Export”
filePath String With this parameter you can set the location where the exporting file should downloaded. It can be local or server machine file path.
exportToFile Boolean Is a Boolean argument, and value ‘true’ specifies the exporting is completed and download it, value ‘false’ specifies the export TreeGrid internally and append something else to it before download starts.
headerText String HeaderText Is to specify the title for export document.


Name Type Description
TreeGridProperties Object It takes TreeGrid model properties that should be pass to exporting
datasource object It holds the data to be exported in PDF
TreeGridExportSettings object Returns the exporting settings like Unicode support, columns fit to width, hidden column, template, etc..
Document Object It specifies in case of multiple exporting, in which document the file export should append, it holds the internally stored PDF files which is exported previously.
exportToFile Boolean Is a Boolean argument, and value ‘true’ specifies the exporting is completed and download it, value ‘false’ specifies the export TreeGrid internally and append something else to it before download starts.
headerText String HeaderText Is to specify the title for export document.


Name Type Description
TreeGridProperties Object It takes TreeGrid model properties that should be pass to exporting
datasource object It holds the data to be exported in PDF
TreeGridExportSettings object Returns the exporting settings like Unicode support, columns fit to width, hidden column, template, etc..
Filename string With this parameter you can set the downloaded file name. By default it is set to “Export”.
Document Object It specifies in case of multiple exporting, in which document the file export should append, it holds the internally stored PDF files which is exported previously.
exportToFile Boolean Is a Boolean argument, and value ‘true’ specifies the exporting is completed and download it, value ‘false’ specifies the export TreeGrid internally and append something else to it before download starts.
headerText String HeaderText Is to specify the title for export document.


Name Type Description
TreeGridProperties Object It takes TreeGrid model properties that should be pass to exporting
datasource object It holds the data to be exported in PDF
TreeGridExportSettings object Returns the exporting settings like Unicode support, columns fit to width, hidden column, template, etc..
Filename string With this parameter you can set the downloaded file name. By default it is set to “Export”.
filePath String With this parameter you can set the location where the exporting file should downloaded. It can be local or server machine file path.
Document Object It specifies in case of multiple exporting, in which document the file export should append, it holds the internally stored PDF files which is exported previously.
exportToFile Boolean Is a Boolean argument, and value ‘true’ specifies the exporting is completed and download it, value ‘false’ specifies the export TreeGrid internally and append something else to it before download starts.
headerText String HeaderText Is to specify the title for export document.


  • <ej-treegrid id="TreeGridControl" (toolbarClick)="toolbarClick($event)"
  • import {Component} from '@angular/core';
        selector: 'ej-app',
        templateUrl: 'app/app.component.html'
    export class AppComponent {
        public contextMenuSettings: any;
        constructor() {
            this.contextMenuSettings = {
                showContextMenu: true
                contextMenuItems: ["add", "edit", "delete"]
        toolbarClick(sender) {
            var TreeGridObj = $("#TreeGridControl").data("ejTreeGrid");
            TreeGridObj.exportGrid = TreeGridObj["export"];
            if (sender.itemName == "PDF Export") {
                TreeGridObj.exportGrid('', "", false);
                sender.cancel = true;

    Following example will take part in the project service

    public void PdfExport()
    string gridModel = HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["TreeGridModel"];
    TreeGridProperties gridProperty = ConvertGridObject(gridModel);
    PdfExport exp = new PdfExport();
    TaskDetailsCollection tc = new TaskDetailsCollection();
    IEnumerable<TaskDetails> result = tc.GetDataSource(); // datasource to be exported
    TreeGridExportSettings settings = new TreeGridExportSettings();
    settings.Theme = ExportTheme.FlatAzure;
    exp.Export(gridProperty, result, settings, "Export");

    Excel export




    Name Type Description
    TreeGridProperties Object It takes TreeGrid model properties that should be pass to exporting
    datasource object It holds the data to be exported in PDF
    excelName String It specifies the file extension to be downloaded
    excelVersion String Excel version in which document should download
    TreeGridExportSettings object Returns the exporting settings like Unicode support, columns fit to width, hidden column, template, etc..


    Name Type Description
    TreeGridProperties Object It takes TreeGrid model properties that should be pass to exporting
    datasource object It holds the data to be exported in PDF
    excelName String It specifies the file extension to be downloaded
    excelVersion String Excel version in which document should download
    TreeGridExportSettings object Returns the exporting settings like Unicode support, columns fit to width, hidden column, template, etc..
    fileName String With this parameter you can set the downloaded file name. By default it is set to “ExcelExport”


    Name Type Description
    TreeGridProperties Object It takes TreeGrid model properties that should be pass to exporting
    datasource object It holds the data to be exported in PDF
    excelName String It specifies the file extension to be downloaded
    excelVersion String Excel version in which document should download
    TreeGridExportSettings object Returns the exporting settings like Unicode support, columns fit to width, hidden column, template, etc..
    isLocalSave Boolean It specifies the file have to save locally or can export directly in case of multiple export.
    filePath String With this parameter you can set the location where the exporting file should downloaded. It can be local or server machine file path.


  • <ej-treegrid id="TreeGridControl" (toolbarClick)="toolbarClick($event)"
  • import {Component} from '@angular/core';
        selector: 'ej-app',
        templateUrl: 'app/app.component.html'
    export class AppComponent {
        public contextMenuSettings: any;
        constructor() {
            this.contextMenuSettings = {
                showContextMenu: true
                contextMenuItems: ["add", "edit", "delete"]
        toolbarClick(sender) {
            var TreeGridObj = $("#TreeGridControl").data("ejTreeGrid");
            TreeGridObj.exportGrid = TreeGridObj["export"];
            if (sender.itemName == "Excel Export") {
                TreeGridObj.exportGrid('', "", false);
                sender.cancel = true;

    Following example will take part in the project service

    public void ExcelExport()
    string gridModel = HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["TreeGridModel"];
    TreeGridProperties gridProperty = ConvertGridObject(gridModel);
    ExcelExport exp = new ExcelExport();
    TaskDetailsCollection tc = new TaskDetailsCollection();
    IEnumerable<TaskDetails> result = tc.GetDataSource();
    exp.Export(gridProperty, result, "ExcelExport.xlsx", ExcelVersion.Excel2010, new TreeGridExportSettings() { Theme = ExportTheme.FlatAzure });