Essential Studio for Xamarin.Forms Release Notes

February 13, 2017


Bug Fixes

  • #165843 - List number preservation issue has been resolved while importing a particular Word document.
  • #167189 - IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer thrown while retrieving the bookmark contents.
  • #167568 - File is no longer corrupted while resaving a particular DOCX format document.
  • #167568, #167582 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while opening a particular DOCX format document.
  • #167600 - ArgumentException will no longer thrown while opening a particular DOCX format document.
  • #167794, #167934 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while replacing the bookmark contents.
  • #167831 - No longer hangs while updating table of contents for a particular HTML format document.
  • #167934 - TextFormField is now preserved properly while inserting a bookmark content using ReplaceBookmarkContent API.
  • #168028 - IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer thrown while opening a particular DOCX format document.
  • #168166, #169707 - Merge field values are now preserved properly while executing Mail merge using ExecuteNestedGroup method.
  • #168567, #167794 - NullReferenceException no longer thrown while manipulating bookmarks using BookmarksNavigator API.
  • #169058 - No longer hangs while updating document fields for a particular Word document.
  • #169549 - Font size preservation issue has been resolved while replacing the text in a particular Word document.
  • #170696 - Nested table cell width preservation issue has been resolved while resaving a particular DOCX format document.
  • #171615 - FormatException will no longer thrown while opening a particular Word document.



  • #169205 - Added support for accessing polygon annotation points.

Bug Fixes

  • `PdfGrid` cells are now preserved properly based on the column span.
  • #166940- NullReferenceException is no longer be thrown while drawing text to the particular PDF document.
  • #168422- ArgumentOutOfRangeException is no longer thrown while drawing text in particular PdfLoadedDocument instance.
  • # 165345, 168250- Form field values has been preserved properly while filling with large text.
  • #168281- Syntax issue is no longer thrown in preflight with the particular PDF document created.
  • #167608- Text is now preserved properly when flattening the form fields.
  • #168228- Text positions are now properly preserved when flattening the form fields.
  • #167014- ArgumentOutOfRangeException is no longer thrown while flattening the PDF form fields.
  • #168225- Bookmark destination is now preserved properly while loading the PDF document.
  • #166308- Texts are now preserved properly while drawing using MS Mincho font.
  • #166940- Exception no longer occurs while drawing text to the particular PDF document.
  • #168743 - Exception will not be thrown when ShowHeader property is set to true in PdfLightTable
  • #168654 - Page reference will not be wrong in Text box field collection.
  • #168269 - Image will be visible properly in particular PDF page.
  • #168227 - Exception will not be thrown while flattening the Form fields.
  • #168762 - Text will be properly visible when drawn at 0,0 in PDF.
  • #170183 - PdfAttachment will not be null when loading the particular PDF document.
  • #170571 - Text will be properly wrapped in PdfCell.
  • #170953 - PdfCode128Barcode will accept special characters.
  • #171136 - Bookmarks will not have null destination while loading PDF document.
  • #171136 - Links will be preserved properly between bookmark and named destination.
  • #170126 - Chinese characters will be preserved properly when flattening the form fields
  • #170241 - Pdf content will not be missed when load and save the particular document.



  • #166068 - Added support to modify the .PPTM, .POTX and .POTM file formats
  • #168251 - Added support to create and modify sections in PowerPoint presentations
  • #171169 - Added support to create and modify hyperlinks in PowerPoint presentations

Breaking Changes

  • Clone method is moved from ITable interface to ISlideItem interface
  • #167997 - The property InvertIfNegative is now added into IOfficeChartSerie interface
  • #169437 - The property NumberFormat is now added into IOfficeChartDataLabels interface

Bug Fixes

  • #168870 - Bubble size is now updated properly in charts while creating the PowerPoint presentations
  • #168101 - Data range will be now updated properly while adding data to an existing chart in a PowerPoint presentation
  • #167717 - The application will no longer become unresponsive while opening a particular PowerPoint presentation with tables
  • #171147 - The images are now replaced as expected in PowerPoint slides
  • #170852 - Invalid cast exception will be no longer thrown while opening the PowerPoint presentation with a handout master
  • #169437 - NumberFormat property is now added in IOfficeChartDataLabels interface to enable data label with a percentage symbol in charts
  • #169379 - PowerPoint presentation will no longer get corrupted while merging two PowerPoint presentations have same theme files
  • #170272 - Format exception will be no longer thrown while merging slides from one presentation to another presentation


Bug Fixes

  • #128084 - Now AutoComplete is editable inside the TableView.
  • #128407 - Now AutoComplete’s DropDown is not disappearing while scrolling.
  • #166260 - Throwing Null exception in UWP has been fixed.
  • #169141 - AutoComplete’s crash for below API 19 in Android has been fixed.
  • #128205 - Now DropDown items renders proper height while using ItemTemplate.
  • #170618 - Now DropDown and AutoComplete fields are not scrolling separately inside ScrollView.
  • #170720,#169927 - Different behavior of DropDown’s TextSize property in API 17 and API 23 has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #169430 - Now Default font size for SfBusyIndicator’s title has been corrected.


Bug Fixes

  • #169692,#170909- Now SfCalendar gets rendered correctly in both View modes.
  • #169535 - Now we can dynamically change the SelectedDates API in calendar.
  • #169835 - Now SfCalendar renders properly with API level of 17.
  • #170273 - Now InlineToggled event’s argument are updated properly.
  • #171962 - Issue with selecting a date programmatically has been fixed.


  • #127283 - Provided support for Dynamically opening the Inline view programmatically.
  • #167562 - Provided support to navigate the view of calendar’s month by selecting a day in previous or next month.
  • #167562 - Performance of OnMonthCellLoaded has been improved.



  • #169601- Support to specify hollow/solid candles in CandleSeries.

Bug fixes

  • #170154 - Tooltip will no longer throw exception of type ‘Java.Lang.Error’ while navigating between pages.
  • #170751 - Trackball labels will work properly while zooming.
  • #170706 - Trackball will render properly for the series which has empty data source.
  • #170040 - Now, the ChartDataMarker is rendering properly when the animation is enabled for SplineSeries.
  • #167292 - Now, the TrackballLabelTemplate property is working properly when configuring the SfChart in OnAppearing Method.
  • #169010 - Now the ChartSeries are not overlapped when toggling its visibility using ChartLegend.


Bug Fixes

  • #168854 - Now, CircularGauge Ranges issue while binding has been fixed (Android).
  • #167866 - Now, CircularGauge Header Position issue has been fixed.
  • #171360 - Now, Throws exception while adding multiple scales in the CircularGauge issue has been fixed (iOS).
  • #170187 - Now, CircularGauge Range border is dark while setting RGBA Color to the Range issue has been fixed (iOS).
  • #169833 - Now, CircularGauge Range gap while setting continuous issue has been fixed (Android).



  • #157254, F125202,167808, 167892 – Support to edit the cells has been provided.
  • Support for GridNumericColumn, GridPickerColumn and GridDateTimeColumn has been provided.
  • #166514 – Support to resize the columns has been provided.
  • Support to hide the columns has been provided.
  • Support to set maximum and minimum width for columns has been provided.


  • #169623, 169690 – Support to get the RowDragView position in QueryRowDraggingEventArgs has been provided.

Bug fixes

  • #169366 – Binding IsEnabled property for SfSwitchControl is not working in Xamarin.Forms.UWP has been fixed.
  • #171727, 171340 – Exception thrown while navigating back to a page containing SfDataGrid with the same instance without disposing on pressing back has been fixed.

Breaking Changes

  • Syncfusion.Data.CollectionViewAdv.CanListenNotifiers property has been removed and a new property Syncfusion.Data.CollectionViewAdv.NotificationSubscriptionMode has been introduced for the same purpose. The new property is of enum type Syncfusion.Data .NotificationSubscriptionMode with “None”, “PropertyChange” and “CollectionChange” values. This property can be used instead to get the notifications of the data.


Bug fixes

  • #169907 - SfDateTimeRangeNavigator will no longer throw ‘Java.Lang.IllegalStateException’ in higher API level Android devices.
  • #128039 - Range selection will work properly when hiding the minor labels.
  • #128039 - Gridlines will display properly when IsVisible property is set to false for MajorScaleStyle and MinorScaleStyle.


Bug Fixes

  • #171658 – Now the header will be positioned properly when it is customized with DataTemplate.
  • #172131 – Now the SfKanban is working property while navigating the page.

SfListView Preview


  • #168841, 169537 - Support for DataTemplateSelector has been provided.
  • #168353, 171218 - Support for GridLayout has been provided.

Bug Fixes

  • #168472 - Selection and swiping is now working properly when setting background color for Frame in Android.
  • #170374, 170649 - Swiping is disabled when corresponding swipe template is null.
  • #168679 - In UWP platform, carousel swipe is working properly after perform swiping and scrolling continuously on ListView.
  • #170588 - SelectedItem is updated when setting before assigning ItemsSource.
  • #170843, 171490 - In iOS platform, null reference exception is no longer thrown when page is navigated by PopModalAsync().
  • #128591 - SfListView items are displayed properly while switching the tabs when SfListView is loaded inside TabbedPage.
  • #171887 - Group header item is now cleared properly when removing all items from the underlying collection.
  • #171284 - Underlying property changed is no longer removes the ListViewItem.
  • #171507 - Swipe action is no longer triggered the ItemTapped event.
  • #170157 - Exception is no longer thrown when setting SelectedItem or CurrentItem as null.
  • #168679 - Swiping is working properly when placed inside a carousel view.
  • #168520 - In UWP, selection and swiping events are triggered when placed inside MasterDetailPage.


Bug Fixes

  • #169100 - Now Dynamic resource is propagated in SfNavigationDrawer on Android platform.
  • #171635 - Now issue with SfNavigationDrawer in API level 17 has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #169657 - Now ValueChanged event returns correct values in SfNumericTextBox.


Bug Fixes

  • #128080, #170065 - Now height is not cropped and renders correctly.
  • #169656, #127932 - Issue with SfNumericUpDown in UWP has been fixed.
  • #171730 - Now NumericUpDown renders the buttons correctly while scrolling out of view.

SfPdfViewer Preview

Bug Fixes

  • #168399, #168750, #168674, #168624 – Null reference exception is no longer thrown on popping the content page containing SfPdfViewer from the navigation page.
  • #167040 – PDF document will scroll properly on binding the document stream to the InputFileStream property of the SfPdfViewer in the design view.
  • #166281 – SfPdfViewer will load the PDF document on directly setting the InputFileStream property.
  • #168390 – Not supported exception is no longer thrown on loading the CryptoStream in PDF viewer control.
  • #170668 – Object disposed exception will not throw while loading the large size PDF document.
  • #169993 – PDF viewer scrolling will work properly on adding the content page containing PDF viewer control in Xamarin.Forms iOS.
  • #169741 – Horizontal panning is suppressed properly on loading the PDF document even below 100 percentage in PDF viewer Xamarin.Forms iOS.
  • #170434 – Null reference exception will not be thrown on loading a particular PDF document in PDF viewer control in Xamarin.Forms UWP.


Bug Fixes

  • #172030 - SfPulltoRefresh is not working properly while using ListView issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #170343 - Now Custom Label is not overlapping with RangeSlider when the label value is set to big word.
  • #170868 - Now RangeSlider is rendered correctly on Vertically in iOS
  • #170567 - Now RangeChanging event returns correct values in iOS.


Bug Fixes

  • #171504 - Now Thumbnail mode doesn’t retake the style of data template in Android.
  • #169550 - Now NavigationStripMode API is working fine.
  • #170430 - Now issue with empty view while scrolling last view of Rotator control has been fixed when EnableLooping is set false.
  • #170355 - Now ItemContent property is rendered properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #169302 - Now, the ScheduleCellTapped event DateTime is wrong while changing the default TimeInterval issue has been fixed (Android & iOS).
  • #170212 - Now, the Schedule month names are not nominative issue has been fixed (Android & iOS).
  • #170009 - Now, the Schedule final row Month Cell Cropping issue in MonthView has been fixed (iOS).
  • #169944 - Now, ScheduleAppointment is not adding dynamically when setting ScheduleAppointment as ObservableCollection of ScheduleAppointment issue has been fixed (iOS).
  • #169945 - Now, Schedule Month Inline view Appointment is not clearing issue while clearing collection dynamically has been fixed (iOS).
  • #169771 - Now, Throws warning while setting Schedule MonthView issue has been fixed (iOS).
  • #170908 - Now, Schedule VisibleDatesChanged event is not triggering initially issue has been fixed (iOS).
  • #170908 - Now, Schedule FirstDayOfWeek initial rendering issue has been fixed (iOS).
  • #171532 - Now, Schedule ShowAppointmentInline property update issue while changing dynamically when the Inline View is open has been fixed (iOS).
  • #169174, #167376, #169301,  #168802,  #169091, #167999, #167875 - Now, SelectedAppointment issue with the ScheduleCellTapped event has been fixed (iOS).
  • #167376 - Now, Schedule MonthView initial rendering position issue has been fixed(iOS).
  • #168026 - Now, SelectedAppointment issue with the MonthInlineAppointmentTapped event has been fixed (iOS).
  • #167967 - Now, Schedule TimeSlotBackgroundColor dynamic issue has been fixed (iOS).
  • #168026 - Now, Schedule AppointmentStyle issue has been fixed (iOS).
  • #167376 - Now, Schedule ViewHeader BackgroundColor issue has been fixed.
  • #167376 - Now, Schedule month cell cropping issue has been fixed (iOS).
  • #168082 - Now, Schedule will reach to selected week when switching ScheduleView (iOS).
  • #170097 - Now, issue with AppointmentStyle while setting in OnAppointmentLoaded event has been fixed (Android).
  • #170097 - Now, Schedule OnAppointmentLoaded event not working properly issue has been fixed (Android).
  • #169860 - Now, Schedule MonthView Header cropping issue has been fixed (Android).
  • #169313 - Now, Schedule MinDisplayDate and MaxDisplayDate not working properly issue has been fixed (Android).
  • #170832 - Now, ScheduleAppointment rendering issue in WorkWeekView has been fixed (Android).
  • #171063 - Now, Schedule (single) AllDay Appointment is not visible in WeekView and WorkWeekView has been fixed (Android).
  • #169740 - Now, Schedule TimeSlotColor property in ViewSettings is working properly (Android).
  • #170212 - Now, Schedule MonthView initial dates missing while setting FirstDayOfWeek issue has been fixed (Android).
  • #167967 - Now, Schedule ViewHeaderHeight issue in high resolution devices has been fixed (Android).
  • #167967 - Now, Schedule DayTextStyle property in ViewHeaderStyle is working properly in MonthView (UWP).
  • #168838 - Now, Schedule appointments arrangement in WeekView issue has been fixed (UWP).
  • #167775 - Now, Schedule BackgroundColor changing issue ScheduleView has been fixed (UWP).

Breaking changes

  • In MonthInlineAppointmentTappedEventArgs selectedAppointment argument has deprecated, use appointment instead.
  • In AppointmentLoadedEventArgs appointment argument type changed to object from ScheduleAppointment.
  • In OnAppointmentLoaded event bounds argument has been changed as read only.
  • Schedule density related issue has been fixed (Android).


  • MonthInlineView and InlineAppointment customization support for Schedule MonthView has been provided.
  • Schedule Selection customization support has been provided.
  • ViewLayoutOptions support has been provided for Schedule Custom View.



  • Provided support to add HTML rich-text string in Excel cells.
  • Provided support for OLE objects.

Breaking changes

  • The methods Add and AddLink are added in IOleObject interface.
  • The property HtmlString is added in IRange interface.

Bug fixes

  • #166572 - Issues with RTF text in Korean culture is fixed.
  • #166760 - Exception while parsing pivot cache definition is no longer thrown.
  • #166820 - Exception while parsing conditional formats with invalid formula is no longer thrown.
  • #167141 - File corruption issue while resaving a workbook with improper attribute has been fixed.
  • #167392 - Exception is no longer thrown while parsing Excel document with dialog sheets.
  • #167478 - Exception is no longer thrown while assigning value in Russian culture.
  • #167592 - Creation of duplicate cell value while assigning value to a single cell has been fixed.
  • #167735 - Corruption issue with shapes having multiple “=” characters is fixed.
  • #167754 - Moving ranges will also move comment shapes to proper location.
  • #167812 - Parse exception is no longer thrown while resaving Excel document with invalid named ranges in conditional formats.
  • #167857 - Not a legal OleAut date exception is no longer thrown while accessing display text with switching arguments in different cultures.
  • #167940 - Exception is no longer thrown while measuring size of an empty string in a cell.
  • #168768 - Argument exception is no longer thrown while invoking EnableSheetCalculations twice.
  • #168440 - Color issue in data points while converting 3D charts into image has been fixed.
  • #167944, #167945 - Exception is no longer thrown while parsing a binary Excel document with invalid extended format index.
  • #168804 - Argument null exception is no longer thrown while applying template markers in different cultures.
  • #170164 - Application no longer hangs while saving empty worksheet as CSV.
  • #170017 - Dropdown is no longer deleted while resaving workbook twice.
  • #169558 - Changing font size will not alter CheckBox position.
  • #169650 - Application no longer hangs while parsing pivot chart extension list.
  • #168730 - Parsing Excel document with “$” in auto filter’s address no longer throws exception.
  • #168996 - Overflow exception is no longer thrown while writing cell text with the string “infinity”.
  • #168659 - Argument exception is no longer thrown while parsing external workbook address in binary format.
  • #168084 - Argument out of range exception is no longer thrown while deleting a row from RowStorage.
  • #170857 - Exception is no longer thrown while parsing shared strings relationship with end tag.
  • #170511 - Stack overflow exception is no longer thrown while parsing Excel document with not equal condition in filters.
  • #170647 - RefersToRange address with comma returns proper value.
  • #171107 - Integer variant type in custom document property is now serialized with valid tag.
  • #146066 - Copying charts from Excel 2013 documents will no longer be corrupted.
  • #169861 - Auto fit of cells with date format no more throws exception.
  • Issue with font color in migrant range has been fixed.
  • Issue with improper 3D material values in charts has been fixed.
  • Cloning workbook with 3D charts no more throws exception.
  • Exception thrown while reading a cell with more than 7 digits as DateTime is fixed.