Navigation Bar in Windows Forms GridGrouping control

17 Oct 20238 minutes to read

GridGroupingControl comes with an in-built navigation control that allows the user to browse through the records with ease. The navigation bar consists of buttons that facilitate navigation to first, next, previous, last records and also to add new records in the grid. It also contains a label that displays the current record number together with the total record count.

Adding Navigation Bar Through Code

Navigation Bar can added through code by setting the ShowNavigationBar property to true. Tooltips can be enabled for the navigation bar by setting the property, ShowNavigationBarToolTips to true.

// Shows the record navigation bar.
this.gridGroupingControl1.ShowNavigationBar = true;

// Show tooltips when the user hovers the mouse over the elements of the RecordNavigationBar.
this.gridGroupingControl1.ShowNavigationBarToolTips = true;
' Shows the record navigation bar.
Me.gridGroupingControl1.ShowNavigationBar = True

' Show tooltips when the user hovers the mouse over the elements of the RecordNavigationBar.
Me.gridGroupingControl1.ShowNavigationBarToolTips = True

Adding Navigation Bar Through Designer

In the property window, make use of the ShowNavigationBar property to enable the Navigation Bar in design mode.


The Grid with the Navigation bar will be look like the following screenshot,


The user can set the current record of NavigationBar programmatically by using the SetCurrentRecord method.

// Set the current record of the NavigationBar
this.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationBar.SetCurrentRecord(5, true);
' Set the current record of the NavigationBar
Me.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationBar.SetCurrentRecord(5, True)

Customizing the Appearance

It is possible to customize default appearance of the navigation bar by setting appropriate properties.

// Changing the default Back and Fore color of the Navigation Bar
this.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationBar.BackColor = Color.Green;
this.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationBar.ForeColor = Color.White;
' Changing the default Back and Fore color of the Navigation Bar
Me.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationBar.BackColor = Color.Green
Me.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationBar.ForeColor = Color.White

The customized navigation bar is showed in the below screenshot,


Arrow Buttons

The arrow buttons of the record navigation bar can be customized to display single button for navigating the records.

// To Display Single Button for Navigating the records
this.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationBar.DisplayArrowButtons = DisplayArrowButtons.Single;
' To Display Single Button for Navigating the records
Me.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationBar.DisplayArrowButtons = DisplayArrowButtons.Single


User can change the arrow type of the navigation bar while clicking the arrow buttons. It can be achieved by using the ArrowButtonClicked event.

this.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationBar.ArrowButtonClicked += RecordNavigationBar_ArrowButtonClicked;

void RecordNavigationBar_ArrowButtonClicked(object sender, ArrowButtonEventArgs e)

    // Set the arrow type of the navigation bar
    e.Arrow = ArrowType.AddNew;
Private Me.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationBar.ArrowButtonClicked += AddressOf RecordNavigationBar_ArrowButtonClicked

Private Sub RecordNavigationBar_ArrowButtonClicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ArrowButtonEventArgs)

    ' Set the arrow type of the navigation bar
    e.Arrow = ArrowType.AddNew
End Sub

RTL Mode

It also supports RTL mode for navigating the records. It can be enabled by using the following code snippet,

// Enable RTL mode for Record Navigation Bar
this.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationBar.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.Yes;
' Enable RTL mode for Record Navigation Bar
Me.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationBar.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.Yes


Changing the Text of the Navigation

By default, GridGroupingControl navigation bar will display the Record at the prefix of the navigation bar text. This can be changed by setting the Label property as of follows,

//Label for navigation bar
this.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationBar.Label = "Row";
' Label for navigation bar
this.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationBar.Label = "Row";


Setting the Width of the Navigation Bar

The width of the navigation bar can be changed by using the RecordNavigationControl.NavigationBarWidth property.

//Set the width of the navigation bar
this.recordNavigationControl.NavigationBarWidth = 400;
'Set the width of the navigation bar
Me.recordNavigationControl.NavigationBarWidth = 400


Changing the back color for the Navigation Bar

To set back color for the record navigation bar, use the NavigationBarBackColor property as of follows.

// Sets the back color for navigation bar
this.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationControl.NavigationBarBackColor = Color.LightCoral;

// Sets the foreground color of the navigation bar
this.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationControl.ForeColor = Color.White;
' Sets the back color for navigation bar
Me.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationControl.NavigationBarBackColor = Color.LightCoral

' Sets the foreground color of the navigation bar
Me.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationControl.ForeColor = Color.White



The style of the NavigationBar can be changed by using the GridOfficeScrollBar property which automatically changes the visual style. Check Scrolling topic for more information on this.

// Changes the visual style of the GridGroupingControl
this.gridGroupingControl1.GridVisualStyles = GridVisualStyles.Office2010Blue;

// Changes the visual style of the NavigationBar control
this.gridGroupingControl1.GridOfficeScrollBars = OfficeScrollBars.Office2010;
' Changes the visual style of the GridGroupingControl
Me.gridGroupingControl1.GridVisualStyles = GridVisualStyles.Office2010Blue

' Changes the visual style of the NavigationBar control
Me.gridGroupingControl1.GridOfficeScrollBars = OfficeScrollBars.Office2010


The grid records can be programmatically navigate by using some of the methods in the NavigationBar. The followings are the methods used for navigation,

//Moves the current record position to the first row 

//Moves the current record position to the last row 

//Moves the current record position to the next row 

//Moves the current record position to the previous row 
'Moves the current record position to the first row 

'Moves the current record position to the last row 

'Moves the current record position to the next row 

'Moves the current record position to the previous row 

For more information, refer our dashboard sample which is located in this path <Installed_Location>\Syncfusion\EssentialStudio\<Installed_Version>\Windows\Grid.Grouping.Windows\Samples\Selection\Record Range Selection Demo\

Visibility of Arrow Buttons

The visibility of the arrow buttons can be changed by setting the NavigationButtons property appropriate value from the DisplayArrowButtons enumeration.

//Display only next and previous buttons in the navigation bar
this.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationControl.NavigationButtons = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.DisplayArrowButtons.Single;
'Display only next and previous buttons in the navigation bar
Me.gridGroupingControl1.RecordNavigationControl.NavigationButtons = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.DisplayArrowButtons.Single
