- Defining Columns
- Column manipulation
- Resizing Columns
- Column drag and drop
- Freezing Columns
- Stacked Headers
- Column Sizing
- Fill remaining width for any column instead of last column when ColumnSizer is AutoLastColumnFill or AutoWithLastColumnFill
- Refreshing ColumnSizer at runtime
- Resetting column width to apply ColumnSizer
- Customizing built-in column sizing logic
- Auto width calculation based on font settings
- Star column sizer ratio support
- Change the width of GridComboBoxColumn based on it’s ItemsSource
- Binding column properties with ViewModel
Contact Support
Columns in UWP DataGrid (SfDataGrid)
10 May 202124 minutes to read
SfDataGrid allows you to add or remove columns using SfDataGrid.Columns property. You can choose the columns to be added from built-in column types or you can create your own column and add to the SfDataGrid.Columns
Below are the built-in column types supported in SfDataGrid. Each column has its own properties to handle different types of data.
Column Type | Description |
Use to display the string data. | |
Use to display the numeric data. | |
Use to display the date time value | |
Use to display the IEnumerable data using ComboBox. | |
Use to display the boolean type data | |
Use to display the image in each row. | |
Use to display the Uri data
Use to display the custom template-specified content. | |
Use to display custom information of each record. | |
Use to display the IEnumerable data using SfMultiColumnDropdownControl. | |
Use to display the numeric values . |
Defining Columns
You can let the SfDataGrid to create columns or you can manually define columns to be displayed. Below sections explains both ways,
- Automatically generating columns
- Manually define columns
Automatically generating columns
The automatic column generation based on properties of data object can be enabled or disabled by setting SfDataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns. Default value is true
Columns are generated based on type of property. For example, GridNumericColumn
is added for int
type property.
Below are table shows data type and its column type. For remaining types, GridTextColumn
will be added.
Data Type | Column |
string, object, dynamic | GridTextColumn |
int, float, double, decimal and also it’s nullable | GridNumericColumn |
DateTime, DateTimeOffset and also it’s nullable | GridDateTimeColumn |
Uri, Uri? | GridHyperLinkColumn |
bool, bool? | GridCheckBoxColumn |
TimeSpan, TimeSpan? | GridTimeSpanColumn |
The order of columns in the collection will determine the order of that they will appear in SfDataGrid.
AutoGenerateColumns with different modes
Column auto generation is controlled using SfDataGrid.AutoGenerateColumnsMode property.
The SfDataGrid.AutoGenerateColumnsMode
includes the following modes.
Mode | Behavior | When ItemsSource changed |
Reset | Generates the columns based on the properties defined in the underlying data object. | Keeps the columns added manually. Clears the columns which are auto generated before and creates new columns based on new ItemsSource. |
RetainOld | Generates the columns based on the properties defined in the underlying data object if the columns are not defined explicitly. | The same columns will be maintained when changing ItemsSource also. So filtering, sorting and grouping settings will be maintained. |
ResetAll | Generates the columns based on the properties defined in the underlying data object. | Clear all the columns including the columns defined manually and creates new columns based on new ItemsSource. |
None | Columns will not be generated. | Keeps old columns in DataGrid.Columns collection. |
Auto generating CustomType Property
Custom type properties in data object can be auto-generated by setting AutoGenerateColumnsForCustomType property as true. Default value is false.
Custom type properties will be auto-generated through AutoGenerateColumnsModeForCustomType property.
<syncfusion:SfDataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Source}" AllowEditing="True"
AllowFiltering="True" x:Name="dataGrid"
AllowSorting="True" AddNewRowInitiating="dataGrid_AddNewRowInitiating"
GridCopyOption="CopyData" GridPasteOption="PasteData"
AddNewRowPosition="FixedTop" FilterRowPosition="FixedTop"
ColumnSizer="Star" >
this.dataGrid.AutoGenerateColumnsForCustomType = true;
this.dataGrid.AutoGenerateColumnsModeForCustomType = AutoGenerateColumnsModeForCustomType.Parent;
The AutoGenerateColumnsModeForCustomType
includes the following modes.
Mode | Behavior |
Specifies that the columns for both the custom type and its inner properties will be auto generated. |
Specifies that the columns for all inner properties of custom type column will be auto generated. |
Specifies that the column for only the custom type will be auto generated. |
You can download the sample demo here .
Customize auto-generated columns
You can customize or cancel the generated column by handling AutoGeneratingColumn event.
event occurs when the individual column is auto-generated for public and non-static property of underlying data object.
this.dataGrid.AutoGeneratingColumn += dataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn;
void dataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, AutoGeneratingColumnArgs e)
AutoGeneratingColumnArgs provides the information about the auto-generated column to the AutoGeneratingColumn
event. AutoGeneratingColumnArgs.Column property returns the newly created column.
Cancel column generation for particular property
You can cancel the specific column adding to the DataGrid by handling AutoGeneratingColumn
In the below code, column generation for OrderID
property is canceled by setting Cancel
property to true
this.dataGrid.AutoGeneratingColumn += dataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn;
void dataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, AutoGeneratingColumnArgs e)
if (e.Column.MappingName == "OrderID")
e.Cancel = true;
Changing column type
You can change the type of column adding to SfDataGrid by setting the instance of column you want to add in ` AutoGeneratingColumn` event.
In the below code, column type for UnitPrice
property is changed to GridTextColumn
by setting instance of GridTextColumn to Column
this.dataGrid.AutoGeneratingColumn += dataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn;
void dataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, AutoGeneratingColumnArgs e)
if (e.Column.MappingName == "UnitPrice")
if (e.Column is GridNumericColumn)
e.Column = new GridTextColumn() { MappingName = "UnitPrice", HeaderText = "Unit Price" };
Changing property settings
You can change the column properties in AutoGeneratingColumn
event handler.
this.dataGrid.AutoGeneratingColumn += dataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn;
void dataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, AutoGeneratingColumnArgs e)
e.Column.AllowEditing = false;
e.Column.AllowSorting = true;
e.Column.AllowFiltering = true;
e.Column.AllowGrouping = false;
e.Column.AllowFocus = true;
e.Column.AllowResizing = false;
e.Column.ColumnSizer = GridLengthUnitType.Auto;
e.Column.AllowDragging = true;
Setting template to auto-generated column
You can set GridColumn.HeaderTemplate and GridColumn.CellTemplate properties for auto-generated column in AutoGeneratingColumn
event handler.
<DataTemplate x:Key="headerTemplate">
<TextBlock Text="The product has been purchased by the following OrderID" TextWrapping="Wrap" />
this.dataGrid.AutoGeneratingColumn += dataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn;
void dataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, AutoGeneratingColumnArgs e)
if (e.Column.MappingName == "OrderID")
e.Column.HeaderTemplate = this.FindResource("headerTemplate") as DataTemplate;
Below screenshot shows the customized header template loaded on the header of OrderID column.
Data Annotations with AutoGenerateColumns
SfDataGrid support to generate the columns based on built-in Data Annotation Attributes.
Data Annotations ignored, when the AutoGenerateColumns
is set to False
Exclude column
You can skip the column generation using AutoGenerateField
property to false
[Display(AutoGenerateField = false, Description = "OrderID field is not generated in UI")]
public int OrderID
get { return orderID; }
set { orderID = value; }
You can enable filtering automatically for the field using Display.AutoGenerateFilter
[Display(AutoGenerateFilter = true, Description = "Filter enabled for CustomerID column")]
public string CustomerID
get { return customerId; }
set { customerId = value; }
You can change the value of the property using Editable
public string Country
get { return country; }
set { country = value; }
Change the HeaderText of column
You can customize header text of column using Display.Name
[Display(Name="Name of the Customer",Description="CustomerName is necessary for identification ")]
public string CustomerName
get { return customerName; }
set { customerName = value; }
Change the order of the columns
You can change the columns order using DisplayAttribute.Order
public int OrderID
get { return orderID; }
set { orderID = value; }
public string CustomerID
get { return customerId; }
set { customerId = value; }
The OrderID and CustomerID column rearranged based on specified order.
Manually defining columns
SfDataGrid control allows you to define the columns manually by adding desired column to the SfDataGrid.Columns collection.
<syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
ItemsSource="{Binding Orders}">
<syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Order ID" MappingName="OrderID" />
<syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Customer ID" MappingName="CustomerID" />
<syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Customer Name"
MappingName="CustomerName" />
this.dataGrid.Columns.Add(new GridTextColumn() { HeaderText = "Order ID", MappingName = "OrderID" });
this.dataGrid.Columns.Add(new GridTextColumn() { HeaderText = "Customer ID", MappingName = "CustomerID" });
this.dataGrid.Columns.Add(new GridTextColumn() { HeaderText = "Customer Name", MappingName = "CustomerName" });
this.dataGrid.Columns.Add(new GridTextColumn() { HeaderText = "Country", MappingName = "Country" });
this.dataGrid.Columns.Add(new GridNumericColumn() { HeaderText = "Unit Price", MappingName = "UnitPrice" });
You can refer more information about handling the column level operations for manually defined columns in Column types section.
Column manipulation
You can get the columns (added or auto-generated) from SfDataGrid.Columns property.
Adding column
You can add column at runtime by adding instance of column to SfDataGrid.Columns
this.dataGrid.Columns.Add(new GridTextColumn() { HeaderText = "Order ID", MappingName = "OrderID" });
Accessing column
You can access the column through its column index or GridColumn.MappingName
from the SfDataGrid.Columns collection.
GridColumn column = this.dataGrid.Columns[1];
GridColumn column = this.dataGrid.Columns["OrderID"];
Clearing or Removing Column
You can remove all the columns by clearing the SfDataGrid.Columns
You can remove a column using Remove
and RemoveAt
You can also remove the column under one stacked column from StackedHeaderRow.
var childColumns = this.dataGrid.StackedHeaderRows[1].StackedColumns[0].ChildColumns.Split(',');
foreach (var name in childColumns)
var column = dataGrid.Columns[name];
if (column == null)
Resizing Columns
SfDataGrid allows to resize the columns like in excel by resizing column header. This can be enabled or disabled by setting SfDataGrid.AllowResizingColumns or GridColumn.AllowResizing property.
Resizing considers MinWidth and MaxWidth of column.
<syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
ItemsSource="{Binding Orders}" />
You can change the column width by clicking and dragging the resizing cursor at the edge of column header. The resizing cursor appears when you hover the grid line exists between two columns.
Hidden column resizing
SfDataGrid shows indication for hidden columns in column header and also allows end-users to resize the hidden columns when setting SfDataGrid.AllowResizingHiddenColumns property to true
Disable resizing
You can cancel resizing of particular column by setting GridColumn.AllowResizing property to false
. In another way, you can cancel the resizing by handling SfDataGrid.ResizingColumns event. The ResizingColumns
event occurs when you start dragging by resizing cursor on headers.
ResizingColumnsEventArgs of ResizingColumns
provides information about the columns’s index and width.
this.dataGrid.ResizingColumns += dataGrid_ResizingColumns;
void dataGrid_ResizingColumns(object sender, ResizingColumnsEventArgs e)
if(e.ColumnIndex == 1)
e.Cancel = true;
Identify resizing of the column gets completed
SfDataGrid allows you to identify the progress of the resizing of columns through ResizingColumnsEventArgs.Reason property. You can get the width of the column after resizing completed by getting ResizingColumnsEventArgs.Width when ResizingColumnsEventArgs.Reason
is ColumnResizingReason.Resized in ResizingColumns event.
this.dataGrid.ResizingColumns += OnResizingColumns;
void OnResizingColumns(object sender, ResizingColumnsEventArgs e)
if (e.Reason == Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Grid.ColumnResizingReason.Resized)
var resizedWidth = e.Width;
Column drag and drop
You can allow end-users to rearrange the columns by drag and drop the column headers by setting SfDataGrid.AllowDraggingColumns to true
<syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
ItemsSource="{Binding Orders}" />
You can enable or disable dragging on particular column using GridColumn.AllowDragging property.
<syncfusion:GridTextColumn AllowDragging="False"
HeaderText="Order ID"
MappingName="OrderID" />
Disable column reordering
You can cancel the particular column dragging by handling SfDataGrid.QueryColumnDragging. QueryColumnDragging
event occurs when you start dragging the column header. QueryColumnDraggingEventArgs of QueryColumnDragging
event provides information about the column triggered this event.
property returns the index of column triggered this event. QueryColumnDraggingEventArgs.To
property returns the index where you try to drop the column. QueryColumnDraggingEventArgs.Reason
returns column dragging details by QueryColumnDraggingReason
this.dataGrid.QueryColumnDragging += dataGrid_QueryColumnDragging;
void dataGrid_QueryColumnDragging(object sender, QueryColumnDraggingEventArgs e)
var column = dataGrid.Columns[e.From];
if (column.MappingName == "CustomerName" && e.Reason == QueryColumnDraggingReason.Dropping)
e.Cancel = true;
Drag and drop customization
The drag-and-drop operations can be changed by overriding the virtual methods of GridColumnDragDropController class and assigning it to SfDataGrid.GridColumnDragDropController
this.dataGrid.GridColumnDragDropController = new CustomDragDropController(dataGrid);
public class CustomDragDropController:GridColumnDragDropController
public CustomDragDropController(SfDataGrid dataGrid) : base(dataGrid)
//Returns whether the popup showed its header or not.
public override bool CanShowPopup(GridColumn column)
return base.CanShowPopup(column);
//Get the corresponding GridRegion at a given point.
public override GridRegion PointToGridRegion(Point point)
return base.PointToGridRegion(point);
//Occurs when the GridColumn.Hidden property value changed.
protected override void OnColumnHiddenChanged(GridColumn column)
//Occurs when the popup content is created.
protected override UIElement CreatePopupContent(GridColumn column)
return base.CreatePopupContent(column);
//Occurs when the popup content is dropped on DataGrid.
protected override void PopupContentDroppedOnGrid(Point point)
//Occurs when the popup content is dropped on header row.
protected override void PopupContentDroppedOnHeaderRow(int oldIndex, int newColumnIndex)
base.PopupContentDroppedOnHeaderRow(oldIndex, newColumnIndex);
//Occurs when the popup content is dropped.
protected override void OnPopupContentDropped(Point point, Point pointOverGrid)
base.OnPopupContentDropped(point, pointOverGrid);
//Occurs when the popup content is dropped on GroupDropArea
protected override void PopupContentDroppedOnGroupDropArea(GridColumn column)
//Occurs when the popup content position changed.
protected override void OnPopupContentPositionChanged(double HorizontalDelta, double VerticalDelta, Point mousePoint, Point mousePointOverGrid)
base.OnPopupContentPositionChanged(HorizontalDelta, VerticalDelta, mousePoint, mousePointOverGrid);
Disabling drag & drop between frozen and non-frozen columns
By default, the columns re-ordering performed between any column regions of columns. You can cancel the dropping action between the frozen and non-frozen columns by handling SfDataGrid.QueryColumnDragging event.
this.dataGrid.QueryColumnDragging += dataGrid_QueryColumnDragging;
void dataGrid_QueryColumnDragging(object sender, QueryColumnDraggingEventArgs e)
if (e.Reason == QueryColumnDraggingReason.Dropping)
var frozenColIndex = this.dataGrid.FrozenColumnCount + this.dataGrid.ResolveToStartColumnIndex();
if (e.From < frozenColIndex && e.To > frozenColIndex - 1)
e.Cancel = true;
if (e.From > frozenColIndex && e.To < frozenColIndex ||(e.From == frozenColIndex && e.To < frozenColIndex))
e.Cancel = true;
FrozenColumnCount and FooterColumnCount should be lesser than the number of Columns that can be displayed in View.
Freezing Columns
You can freeze the columns in view at the left and right side like in excel by setting SfDataGrid.FrozenColumnCount and SfDataGrid.FooterColumnCount properties.
<syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
ItemsSource="{Binding Orders}"/>
- SfDataGrid has support to freeze the number of columns from the left or right. There is no support to freeze a specific column.
Stacked Headers
SfDataGrid supports additional unbound header rows known as stacked header rows
that span across the DataGrid columns using StackedHeaderRows. You can group one or more columns under each stacked header.
Each StackedHeaderRow contains the StackedColumns where each StackedColumn contains a number of child columns. StackedColumn.ChildColumns
property returns the columns which are grouped under the stacked header row. The StackedColumn.MappingName
is a unique name used for mapping a specific child columns grouped under the same stacked header row whereas, the StackedColumn.HeaderText
returns the text that displays in stacked header row.
<syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
ItemsSource="{Binding Orders}">
<syncfusion:StackedColumn ChildColumns="OrderID,CustomerID,CustomerName,ShipCity,Country" HeaderText="Sales Details" MappingName="SalesDetails"/>
<syncfusion:StackedColumn ChildColumns="OrderID" HeaderText="Order Details" MappingName="OrderDetails"/>
<syncfusion:StackedColumn ChildColumns="CustomerID,CustomerName" HeaderText="Customer Details" MappingName="CustomerDetails"/>
<syncfusion:StackedColumn ChildColumns="ShipCity,Country" HeaderText="Shipping Details" MappingName="ShippingDetails"/>
var stackedHeaderRow = new StackedHeaderRow();
stackedHeaderRow.StackedColumns.Add(new StackedColumn() { ChildColumns = "OrderID" + "," + "CustomerID" + "," + "CustomerName" + "," + "ShipCity" + "," + "Country", HeaderText = "Sales Details" , MappingName="SalesDetails" });
var stackedHeaderRow1 = new StackedHeaderRow();
stackedHeaderRow1.StackedColumns.Add(new StackedColumn() { ChildColumns = "OrderID", HeaderText = "Order Details" , MappingName="OrderDetails" });
stackedHeaderRow1.StackedColumns.Add(new StackedColumn() { ChildColumns = "CustomerID" + "," + "CustomerName", HeaderText = "Customer Details" , MappingName="CustomerDetails" });
stackedHeaderRow1.StackedColumns.Add(new StackedColumn() { ChildColumns = "ShipCity" + "," + "Country", HeaderText = "Shipping Details" , MappingName="ShippingDetails" });
You can also add the stacked headers using GroupName
property of Data Annotations Display attributes.
public class OrderInfo
private int orderID;
private string customerId;
private string country;
private string customerName;
private string shippingCity;
public int OrderID
get { return orderID; }
set { orderID = value; }
[Display(GroupName = "Customer Details")]
public string CustomerID
get { return customerId; }
set { customerId = value; }
[Display(GroupName = "Customer Details")]
public string CustomerName
get { return customerName; }
set { customerName = value; }
[Display(GroupName = "Shipping Details")]
public string Country
get { return country; }
set { country = value; }
[Display(GroupName = "Shipping Details")]
public string ShipCity
get { return shippingCity; }
set { shippingCity = value; }
Adding ChildColumns
You can add the child columns in particular stacked header directly.
var childColumn = this.dataGrid.StackedHeaderRows[1].StackedColumns[0].ChildColumns;
this.dataGrid.StackedHeaderRows[1].StackedColumns[0].ChildColumns = childColumn + "," + "OrderDate" + "," + "Discount";
Removing ChildColumns
Similarly, you can remove the child columns from particular stacked header directly.
var removingColumns = this.dataGrid.StackedHeaderRows[0].StackedColumns[0].ChildColumns.Split(',').ToList<string>();
string childColumns = string.Empty;
foreach(var stackedColumnName in removingColumns.ToList())
if (stackedColumnName.Equals("OrderID"))
childColumns = childColumns + stackedColumnName + ",";
this.dataGrid.StackedHeaderRows[0].StackedColumns[0].ChildColumns = childColumns;
Changing stacked header row height
You can change the height of StackedHeaderRows by using VisualContainer.RowHeights property.
using Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Grid.Helpers;
var visualContainer = dataGrid.GetVisualContainer();
int count = dataGrid.StackedHeaderRows.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
visualContainer.RowHeights[i] = 50;
You can also change the height of stacked header rows using SfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight event.
using Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Grid;
this.dataGrid.QueryRowHeight += dataGrid_QueryRowHeight;
void dataGrid_QueryRowHeight(object sender, Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Grid.QueryRowHeightEventArgs e)
if(e.RowIndex <this.dataGrid.GetHeaderIndex())
e.Height = 50;
e.Handled = true;
Column Sizing
SfDataGrid allows you to set the column widths based on certain logic using SfDataGrid.ColumnSizer or GridColumn.ColumnSizer property.
Below is the list of predefined column sizing options available.
Type | Column width |
Star | Divides the total width equally for columns. |
Auto | Calculates the width of column based on header and cell contents. So that header and cell contents are not truncated. |
AutoWithLastColumnFill |
Applies GridLengthUnitType.Auto width to all the columns except last column which is visible and the remaining width from total width of SfDataGird is set to last column.
AutoLastColumnFill |
Applies GridLengthUnitType.Auto width to all the columns except last column which is visible and sets the maximum between last column auto spacing width and remaining width to last column.
SizeToCells | Calculates the width of column based on cell contents. So that cell contents are not truncated. |
SizeToHeader | Calculates the width of column based on header content. So that header content is not truncated. |
None | Default column width or defined width set to column. |
ColumnSizer will not work when the column width defined explicitly. ColumnSizer calculates column width based on
Below code, applies GridLengthUnitType.Star
to equally set width for SfDataGrid.Columns
<syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
ItemsSource="{Binding Orders}" />
takes higher priority than theSfDataGrid.ColumnSizer
Fill remaining width for any column instead of last column when ColumnSizer is AutoLastColumnFill or AutoWithLastColumnFill
In SfDataGrid while setting SfDataGrid.ColumnSizer as AutoLastColumnFill or AutoWithLastColumnFill remaining width is applied to last column. You can apply the remaining width to specific column by setting GridColumn.ColumnSizer property as like below.
<Syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="datagrid"
ItemsSource="{Binding OrderInfoCollection }">
<Syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="OrderID" HeaderText="OrderID" ColumnSizer="AutoLastColumnFill"/>
<Syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="CustomerID" HeaderText="CustomerID" />
<Syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="CustomerName" HeaderText="CustomerName"/>
<Syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="Country" HeaderText="Country"/>
<Syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="ShipCity" HeaderText="ShipCity"/>
this.datagrid.ColumnSizer = GridLengthUnitType.AutoLastColumnFill;
this.datagrid.Columns["OrderID"].ColumnSizer = GridLengthUnitType.AutoWithLastColumnFill;
Refreshing ColumnSizer at runtime
You can refresh the ColumnSizer
at runtime by calling SfDataGrid.GridColumnSizer.Refresh method.
SfDataGrid support to recalculates the column auto width by calling reset methods of GridColumnSizer
. GridColumnSizer.ResetAutoCalculationforAllColumns method reset widths to all columns. GridColumnSizer.ResetAutoCalculation method reset the width to particular column.
methods applicable for Auto, AutoWithLastColumnFill, AutoLastColumnFill, SizeToCells types.
For example, you can refresh all the column’s width based on the cell contents of newly added records at runtime.
var viewModel = this.dataGrid.DataContext as ViewModel;
viewModel.Orders.Add(new OrderInfo(11, "BLFKI", "Maria Joseph Anders"));
Resetting column width to apply ColumnSizer
When the width of the column is explicitly defined or column is resized, then column width is not changed based on GridColumnSizer
. You can reset GridColumn.Width by setting double.NaN
to apply column width based on column sizer.
foreach (var column in dataGrid.Columns)
if (!double.IsNaN(column.Width))
column.Width = double.NaN;
Customizing built-in column sizing logic
SfDataGrid process column sizing operations in GridColumnSizer class. You can customize the column sizing operations by overriding GridColumnSizer
and set it to ` SfDataGrid.GridColumnSizer`.
this.dataGrid.GridColumnSizer = new GridColumnSizerExt(dataGrid);
public class GridColumnSizerExt:GridColumnSizer
public GridColumnSizerExt(SfDataGrid dataGrid)
// Calculate Width for column when ColumnSizer is SizeToCells.
protected override double CalculateCellWidth(GridColumn column, bool setWidth = true)
return base.CalculateCellWidth(column, setWidth);
//Calculate Width for the column when ColumnSizer is SizeToHeader
protected override double CalculateHeaderWidth(GridColumn column, bool setWidth = true)
return base.CalculateHeaderWidth(column, setWidth);
Auto width calculation based on font settings
By default, the ColumnSizer calculates column’s width based on fixed FontSize
, FontFamily
, Margin
, SortIconWidth
, FilterIconWidth
. You can change the calculation by customized settings.
Changing Sort and Filter Icon width
You can change the filter icon and sort icon widths for column width calculation by setting GridColumnSizer.SortIconWidth and GridColumnSizer.FilterIconWidth properties.
dataGrid.GridColumnSizer.SortIconWidth = 20;
dataGrid.GridColumnSizer.FilterIconWidth = 20;
Changing Font settings for SfDataGrid
You can change the font settings
for column width calculation by setting GridColumnSizer.FontSize, GridColumnSizer.FontFamily and GridColumnSizer.Margin properties. These settings will be considered for all columns.
this.dataGrid.GridColumnSizer.FontSize = 10.0;
this.dataGrid.GridColumnSizer.FontFamily = new FontFamily("TimesNewRoman");
this.dataGrid.GridColumnSizer.Margin = new Thickness(9, 3, 1, 3);
Changing Font settings for one Column
You can change the font setting
for one column width calculation using GridColumnSizer.SetFontFamily, GridColumnSizer.SetFontSize and GridColumnSizer.SetMargin static methods of GridColumnSizer
to GridColumn
var gridColumn = this.dataGrid.Columns[0];
GridColumnSizer.SetFontFamily(gridColumn, new FontFamily("TimesNewRoman"));
GridColumnSizer.SetFontSize(gridColumn, 10.0);
GridColumnSizer.SetMargin(gridColumn, new Thickness(9, 3, 1, 3));
Star column sizer ratio support
You can customize the ColumnSizer.Star
width calculation logic by overriding SetStarWidth method of GridColumnSizer
For example, you can calculate the column width, with specified ratios instead of dividing equal width for all columns in Star calculation using ColumnRatio
attached property.
public static class StarRatio
public static int GetColumnRatio(DependencyObject obj)
return (int)obj.GetValue(ColumnRatioProperty);
public static void SetColumnRatio(DependencyObject obj, int value)
obj.SetValue(ColumnRatioProperty, value);
public static readonly DependencyProperty ColumnRatioProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("ColumnRatio", typeof(int), typeof(StarRatio), new PropertyMetadata(1, null));
Below code to define the star width calculation based on the ColumnRatio
//Assign the customized GridColumnSizerExt to SfDataGrid.GridColumnSizer
this.dataGrid.GridColumnSizer = new GridColumnSizerExt(dataGrid);
public class GridColumnSizerExt : GridColumnSizer
public GridColumnSizerExt(SfDataGrid grid)
: base(grid)
protected override void SetStarWidth(double remainingColumnWidth, IEnumerable<GridColumn> remainingColumns)
var removedColumn = new List<GridColumn>();
var columns = remainingColumns.ToList();
var totalRemainingStarValue = remainingColumnWidth;
double removedWidth = 0;
bool isRemoved;
while (columns.Count > 0)
isRemoved = false;
removedWidth = 0;
var columnsCount = 0;
foreach (var data in columns)
columnsCount += StarRatio.GetColumnRatio(data);
double starWidth = Math.Floor((totalRemainingStarValue / columnsCount));
var column = columns.First();
starWidth *= StarRatio.GetColumnRatio(column);
double computedWidth = SetColumnWidth(column, starWidth);
if (starWidth != computedWidth && starWidth > 0)
isRemoved = true;
foreach (var remColumn in removedColumn)
if (!columns.Contains(remColumn))
removedWidth += remColumn.ActualWidth;
totalRemainingStarValue += removedWidth;
totalRemainingStarValue = totalRemainingStarValue - computedWidth;
if (!isRemoved)
if (!removedColumn.Contains(column))
Below code uses the ColumnRatio
to apply the defined star width for each column.
<syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
ItemsSource="{Binding Orders}"
<syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Order ID"
local:StarRatio.ColumnRatio="1" />
<syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Customer ID"
local:StarRatio.ColumnRatio="2" />
<syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Customer Name"
local:StarRatio.ColumnRatio="3" />
Change the width of GridComboBoxColumn based on it’s ItemsSource
By default, the ColumnSizer
calculates auto width based on the column content. You can change the auto width calculation for GridComboBoxColumn
based on its items source by overriding the CalculateCellWidth virtual method.
Below code creates CustomColumnSizer
to change the width of GridComboboxColumn
and set to SfDataGrid.GridColumnSizer
this.dataGrid.GridColumnSizer = new CustomColumnSizer(this.dataGrid);
public class CustomColumnSizer : GridColumnSizer
public CustomColumnSizer(SfDataGrid grid)
: base(grid)
protected override double CalculateCellWidth(GridColumn column, bool setWidth = true)
//Customizing width calculation for GridComboBoxColumn
if (column is GridComboBoxColumn)
//Get the width of the corresponding GridColumn
double colWidth = column.Width;
//Get the Source collection from the corresponding GridComboBoxColumn items source
var source = (column as GridComboBoxColumn).ItemsSource;
//Initialize the below field for storing length
string maximumComboItemsText = string.Empty;
//Get the column width and row height
var clientSize = new Size(colWidth, DataGrid.RowHeight);
//Calculate the maximum length for each combo box items and store maximum length
foreach (var comboItems in source)
string comboItemText = (string)comboItems;
if (maximumComboItemsText.Length < comboItemText.Length)
maximumComboItemsText = comboItemText;
//Get the size for maximum ComboBoxItems's text and returned the measured width as a column width of that column
var measureSize = MeasureText(clientSize, maximumComboItemsText, column, null, GridQueryBounds.Width);
return measureSize.Width;
//Default column width calculation performed other than GridComboBoxColumn
return base.CalculateCellWidth(column, setWidth);
Binding column properties with ViewModel
SfDataGrid provides MVVM support for binding GridColumn
properties with ViewModel properties.
public class ViewModel
private bool _allowFiltering =true;
public bool AllowFiltering
get { return _allowFiltering; }
set { _allowFiltering = value; }
Below code, binds the ViewModel.AllowFiltering
property to GridColumn.AllowFiltering
<local:ViewModel x:Key="viewModel" />
<syncfusion:GridTextColumn AllowFiltering="{Binding AllowFiltering,
Source={StaticResource viewModel}}"
HeaderText="Order ID"
MappingName="OrderID" />