Essential Studio for Universal Windows Platform Release Notes

October 27, 2016


Breaking Changes

  • Default encoding is modified from UTF-8 with BOM to UTF-8 without BOM while saving text file using the method Save(string fileName, FormatType.Txt) of WordDocument class and it can be modified using existing public method SaveTxt(string fileName, Encoding encoding) of WordDocument class.
  • Default encoding is modified from Windows Default (ANSI) without BOM to UTF-8 without BOM while saving text file using the method Save(Stream stream, FormatType.Txt) of WordDocument class and it can be modified using new public method SaveTxt(Stream stream, Encoding encoding) of WordDocument class.

Bug Fixes

  • #161326 - WMF images are now preserved properly while import/export the DOC format document.
  • #162311 - Checkbox is now preserved properly while resaving a particular DOCX format document.
  • #163760 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer thrown while opening a particular RTF format document.
  • #165424 - Unicode characters are now preserved properly while resaving a particular RTF format document.
  • #163530 - EncoderFallbackException will no longer thrown while resaving a particular Word document as Text file.
  • #162545 - Track changes are now accepted properly for the particular DOCX format document.


Bug Fixes

  • #158424 - Index was outside the bounds of the array exception is no longer thrown, while loading a PDF document.
  • #163906 - Adobe reader exception is no longer thrown, while drawing image in the PDF document.
  • #164832 - Can not find catalog information exception is no longer thrown while loading a PDF document.
  • #154150 - PdfGrid cells are now properly resized based on the row span.
  • #164859 - Application will never get hang while generating the PDF document in multi thread environment using PdfTrueTypeFont.
  • #165358 - NullReferenceException is no longer thrown while accessing file name in PdfLoadedFileLinkAnnotation.
  • #163307 - Layer value is now preserved properly while retrieving from the PDF loaded document.
  • #163309 - Font value is now preserved properly in the PDF loaded document.
  • #161409 - Form fields value are now preserved properly in extended feature enabled document.


Bug Fixes

  • #164372 - The “Null Reference Exception” will be no longer thrown while resaving the PowerPoint presentation with a cloned SmartArt diagram.
  • #162341 - Text formatting will be now preserved properly while merging two PowerPoint presentations.
  • #164372 - The merged PowerPoint presentation will be no longer corrupted while cloning the slides using “KeepSourceFormatting” option.


Bug Fixes

  • #164661- Date argument initial value issue in DayCellLoaded event has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #163515 - Now, PieSeries will update properly while dynamically changing its data points.

  • #163834 - Now, FastColumnBitmapSeries range will be set properly while providing the negative data points.



Bug Fixes

  • #163767 - Now, CircularGauge EndValue visibility issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #164866 - Null reference exception in SfColorPicker has been resolved.



  • #160865 - Support provided to change the DetailsView expander column width.

Bug fixes

  • #159814 - Hereafter memory consumption will not be increased while navigate to next page after loading the SfDataGrid.
  • #165557 - Null reference exception will no longer thrown when the property does not contains a get accessor in business object.
  • #165129 - Now the columns can be defined in the style of SfDataGrid.
  • #165333 - Invalid qualifier warning no longer occurred while using resources in localization.


Bug Fixes

  • #165264 - Now the Kanban card can be dropped over an dynamically generated empty column.

  • #165194 - IsExpanded property in ColumnTag is now properly synchronized with KanbanColumn UI.


  • #165724 – Now a scrollbar will be displayed when you move the mouse over the Kanban column to indicate that there is more data to be scrolled.


Bug Fixes

  • #163613 - Now, LinearGauge positioning issue while adding in minimum width panel has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #165129 - Now the columns can be defined in the style of SfMultiColumnDropDownControl.

SfPivotGauge Preview

The SfPivotGauge control is ideal for highlighting business-critical key performance indicator (KPI) information in executive dashboards and report cards. It lets you present values against goals in a very intuitive manner. For relational data sources, the SfPivotGauge lets you visualize summary values using a pointer over a circular scale.

Bug fixes

  • KPI is now shown properly in PivotGauge control.

SfPivotGrid Preview

The SfPivotGrid control is an easily configurable, presentation-quality business control that summarizes large amount of information from OLAP and relational data sources and represents it in a cross-tabulated form.

Bug fixes

  • #162144: Sort direction is now applied properly when using multiple controls.
  • #164715: Incorrect cell type for last row and column has been fixed.
  • #164713: Missing dependency library in NuGet package has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #165837 – Resolved exception when set empty string value for report parameter through SetParameter.

  • #164494 – Resolved the compilation error when sample compiled in release mode with .NET chain enabled and runtime directives are removed in application.

  • #165300 – Resolved bounds exception when sorting is applied to tablix report item without group rows.



  • #164639 - Added GripperSize property to modify the size of touch gripper (the visual element used for touch text selection).
  • #164828 - Added FontSizeScaleFactor property for scaling the text display in Mobile device to match Desktop device.

Breaking Changes

  • Default font size scale factor is modified from 1.55 to 1.17 times and it can be modified using new public property FontSizeScaleFactor of SfRichTextBoxAdv class.
  • Default size of touch gripper (the visual element used for touch text selection) is modified from 16 to 18 pixel for Windows Phone devices and it can be modified using new public property GripperSize of SfRichTextBoxAdv class.

Bug Fixes

  • #127282 - Table border and cell spacing are now preserved properly on loading the particular HTML.
  • #163026 - Candidate key conversion now works properly while using 12 key keyboard in Windows Phone.
  • #165260 - Null reference exception is no longer thrown while loading multiple documents at a time in asynchronous mode.
  • #164825 - Null reference exception is no longer thrown while setting IsTextPredictionEnabled property.
  • #165424 - Unicode characters are now displayed properly while loading the particular RTF file.
  • #164588 - White space in the document will be now preserved properly while exporting HTML.



  • #162790 - Resource feature support for Schedule (Desktop mode) has been provided.

Bug Fixes

  • #163791 - Now, Yearly Recurrence appointments passes correct value in YearlyWeekDay while schedule culture get changed.


Bug Fixes

  • #165339 - Now SfTabControl scrolls to the Selected Item while selecting item from TabStripMenu.

  • #165339 - Resolved the horizontal scrolling not working properly when TabScrollButtonVisibility is set to Collapsed.


Bug Fixes

  • #165180, #165181 - Suggestion list items are now visible while setting application theme to Dark.



  • #162158 - Provided support to bring SelectedItem into view programmatically.


Bug fixes

  • #163654 - Argument out of range exception is no longer thrown when opening Excel document with shapes.
  • #163633 - Data validation and conditional formatting are properly updated in .xls format.
  • #164851 - Exception will not be thrown while adding images.
  • #163489 - File corruption issue while creating a document with single column sorting is resolved.
  • #163056 - Issue with improper relative hyperlink address is fixed.
  • #163490 - Issue with percent values for Top10 auto filters is fixed.
  • #165013 - Issues with cell merge and its text data while copying ranges are fixed.
  • #163802 - Issue with comment shapes while moving ranges is fixed.
  • #163473, #165498 - File is no longer corrupted while setting ShowDataFieldInRow property to true.
  • #164435 - Circular reference exception thrown while moving a cell range is resolved.
  • #163341, #163474 - Issue with pivot filter types is fixed.
  • #161896 - Incorrect row height while merging the row with wrapped cells is fixed.
  • #154681 - Issues with text formatting in OfficeChart are fixed.
  • #163882 - Issues with conditional formatting of CFType cell formula are fixed.
  • #165559 - Exception is no longer thrown on accessing formula values from conditional formats.