
10 Aug 20173 minutes to read

Tree nodes can be customized by using template property. TreeView template option requires addition JS library called ’JsRender’, which helps to create the structured way of tree nodes with simple codes and increased performance. To know more about JsRender - http://www.jsviews.com/ .

  • JS
  • <script id="treeTemplate" type="text/x-jsrender">        
          {{if hasChild}}
             <div class={{>className}}>{{>name}}</div>
             <div class="cont-list">
                <img class="con-img" src="{{>imgId}}.png" />
                <div class="cont-del"></div>
                <b>{{>name}}</b><br />
                <br />
             <div class="treeFooter"></div>
  • JS
  • $(function () {
                var treeData = [
                { id: 1, name: "UK", className: "uk-style", hasChild: true, expanded: true },
                { id: 2, pid: 1, imgId: "1", name: "Steven John", city: "London", phone: "555-5665-2323" },
                { id: 3, name: "USA", className: "usa-style", hasChild: true, expanded: true },
                { id: 5, pid: 3, imgId: "3", name: "Andrew", city: "Capital way", phone: "934-8374-2455" },
                { id: 4, pid: 3, imgId: "2", name: "Angelica", city: "Dayton", phone: "988-4243-0806" }
                    fields: {
                        dataSource: treeData,
                        id: "id", parentId: "pid", text: "name", hasChild: "hasChild"
                    template: "#treeTemplate"

    For more details about node template, refer the sample here.