API Configuration
30 Nov 20172 minutes to read
It is possible to get and set the various properties available within the controls after its creation -
Getting API values
The API values can be accessed by using either of the following ways,
// First way
// Example
// Second way
$("jquery-selector").ej-plugin-name("option", "propertyName");
// Example
$("#myDate").ejDatePicker("option", "buttonText");
Setting values to the API
It is possible to set new values to the properties of the Syncfusion widgets either during or after control initialization as described below,
During Initialization
propertyName1: value1,
propertyName2: value2,
// Example
value: "01/01/2015",
buttonText: "Hôm nay"
After initialization
// First way
var obj = $("jquery-selector").data("ej-plugin-name"); // [RECOMMENDED METHOD]
propertyName: value
// Example
var dateObject = $("#myDate").data("ejDatePicker");
buttonText: "Hôm nay"
// Second way
$("jquery-selector").ej-plugin-name("model.propertyName", "value");
$("#myDate").ejDatePicker("model.buttonText", "Hôm nay");
// Third way
$("jquery-selector").ej-plugin-name("option", "propertyName", "value");
$("#myDate").ejDatePicker("option", "buttonText", "Hôm nay");
// Fourth way
propertyName: "value"
// Example
value: "01/01/2015"
// Fifth way
var obj = $("jquery-selector").data("ej-plugin-name");
propertyName: value
// Example
var dateObject = $("#myDate").data("ejDatePicker");
value: "01/01/2015"