Essential Studio for ASP.NET MVC Release Notes

October 27, 2016



  • #165359 - Provided support for HeaderTemplate in Accordion


Bug Fixes

  • #165284, #165568 - Disabled button prevented from Form submission.


Bug Fixes

  • #162765 – Formula with Table Named Ranges are now calculated properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #165301 - Hyphen character in axis labels are now rendering properly for category axis.


Bug Fixes

  • #165319 - Background color for half-circular gauge is now applied properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #164310 - Now DatePicker destroyed properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #164006 - DateTimePicker renders properly after postback when custom DateTimeFormat has been given.


Breaking Changes

  • Default encoding is modified from UTF-8 with BOM to UTF-8 without BOM while saving text file using the method Save(string fileName, FormatType.Txt) of WordDocument class and it can be modified using existing public method SaveTxt(string fileName, Encoding encoding) of WordDocument class.
  • Default encoding is modified from Windows Default (ANSI) without BOM to UTF-8 without BOM while saving text file using the method Save(Stream stream, FormatType.Txt) of WordDocument class and it can be modified using new public method SaveTxt(Stream stream, Encoding encoding) of WordDocument class.

Bug Fixes

  • #157194 - InvalidOperationException will no longer thrown while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #161613 - Table cell margin is now preserved properly while converting particular Word document as PDF.
  • #164631 - Word document converted as PDF with PDF/A-1b conformance level will meet the adobe preflight PDF/A-1b compliance.
  • #161882 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #162767, #162891 - AltChunk contents are now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #162848 - Word splitting issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #162851 - Performance has been improved in Word to PDF conversion.
  • #164123 - Images are now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #164110 - Vertical merged cell contents are now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #161326 - WMF images are now preserved properly while import/export the DOC format document.
  • #162311 - Checkbox is now preserved properly while resaving a particular DOCX format document.
  • #163760 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer thrown while opening a particular RTF format document.
  • #165424 - Unicode characters are now preserved properly while resaving a particular RTF format document.
  • #163530 - EncoderFallbackException will no longer thrown while resaving a particular Word document as Text file.
  • #162545 - Track changes are now accepted properly for the particular DOCX format document.
  • #164220 - Empty paragraph is now preserved properly while resaving a particular Word document as HTML.
  • #164220 - Line spacing is now preserved properly while resaving a particular Word document as HTML.
  • #126046 - The issue “Selected items are not maintained for DropDownListFor control during postback in IE11” has been fixed.
  • DropDownListExtenaion class name has been changed to DropDownListExtension


Bug Fixes

  • #159390, #160787 - while render the grid in inside tab controls the grid column width is automatically set as 0px when column width is not specified in grid columns.
  • #161132 - To drawing a new table with Grid control based on provided position of x and y axis of PDF Exporting .
  • #163129, #165277 - Filterbar template does not render properly while binding dataSource through setModel.
  • #159913 - Grid VirtualScrolling is not working fine in UrlAdapter.
  • #160922 - Grid height stays large while reload the page after adding more records on the grid.
  • #160922 - At initial load the vertical scrollbar has been generated when we set the scrollbar height as 100%.
  • #162740 - Grid not visible in exported sheet when Column.Width property is set.
  • #I162953, #164836 -TypeBuilder Class: Exporting Breaks after filtering the Grid.
  • #163835 - $.unique not working in IE browser.
  • #165135 - Grid rowDrop, rowDrag, rowDragStart events not fired in unobtrusive mode.
  • #165135 - Script error obtained when dragging and dropping dialog to droppable grid


Bug Fixes

  • #165151 - Now sub layers are rendering properly on adding dynamically.



  • #164699 - Support for UPC-A barcode has been added.

Bug Fixes

  • #158424 - Index was outside the bounds of the array exception is no longer thrown, while loading a PDF document.
  • #163672 - Parameter is not valid exception is no longer thrown, while using IE based HTML to PDF converter.
  • #165140 - No duplicate fonts are retrieved from the PDF document.
  • #163906 - Adobe reader exception is no longer thrown, while drawing image in the PDF document.
  • #164547 - Exception is no longer thrown while getting the used fonts from the PDF document.
  • #164832 - Can not find catalog information exception is no longer thrown while loading a PDF document.
  • #163146 - EMF shapes are preserved properly when converting EMF to PDF.
  • #154150 - PdfGrid cells are now properly resized based on the row span.
  • #164859 - Application will never get hang while generating the PDF document in multi thread environment using PdfTrueTypeFont.
  • #164940 - Image is now preserved properly while converting Presentation to PDF.
  • #164222 - File size of the PDF is now reduced while converting XPS to PDF.
  • #161216 - Extra spaces will never appear between numbers while converting HTML to PDF
  • #157711 - Bold text will never appear as superscript in HTML to PDF conversion.
  • #163976 - File size is reduced while adding time stamp in PDF document.
  • #161590 - Memory leak will never occur while drawing identical image in PDF
  • #165358 - NullReferenceException is no longer thrown while accessing file name in PdfLoadedFileLinkAnnotation.
  • #163307 - Layer value is now preserved properly while retrieving from the PDF loaded document.
  • #163402 - Parameter is not valid exception is no longer thrown while processing OCR.
  • #163309 - Font value is now preserved properly in the PDF loaded document
  • #161409 - Form fields value are now preserved properly in extended feature enabled document.
  • #149661 - Page breaks are now preserved properly in IE Converter.


Bug fixes

  • #165672 - PivotClient is now working properly when we enable IsResponsive property.
  • #165672 - Pivot button caption is now displayed properly in PivotClient.


Bug Fixes

  • #164372 - The “Null Reference Exception” will be no longer thrown while resaving the PowerPoint presentation with a cloned SmartArt diagram.
  • #164260 - The “Argument Exception” will be no longer raised while converting PowerPoint presentation to an image.
  • #162341 - Text formatting will be now preserved properly while merging two PowerPoint presentations.
  • #164372 - The merged PowerPoint presentation will be no longer corrupted while cloning the slides using “KeepSourceFormatting” option
  • #162450 - Chart series colors are now preserved properly while converting the PowerPoint slide to an image.
  • #161690 - Paragraph text with the gradient fill will be preserved properly while converting the PowerPoint presentation to PDF or image.


Bug Fixes

  • #I163282 - Now, the page settings API options are working fine.
  • #I163282 - Now, the page setup orientation is works fine.
  • #I161847 - The tooltip position is misplaced in IE8 browser issue has been fixed.
  • #I161847 - The Report position is misplaced while page navigating in IE8 browser issue has been fixed.


Breaking Changes

  • RichTextEditorExtenaion class name has been changed to RichTextEditorExtension


Bug Fixes

  • #165143 - EnablePersistence API is included in Scheduler wrapper.
  • #163508 - Appointment is rendering appropriately, when IsDST property is set to false.


Bug fixes

  • #161896 - Issue with wrong row height is preserved while merging wrapped cells row is fixed.



  • #165359 - Provided support for HeaderTemplate in Tab


Bug fixes

  • #163654 - Argument out of range exception is no longer thrown when opening Excel document with shapes.
  • #163633 - Data validation and conditional formatting are properly updated in .xls format.
  • #162635 - Issues with series name, font size and fill color in Excel chart to image conversion are fixed.
  • #163489 - File corruption issue while creating a document with single column sorting is resolved.
  • #162449 - Index out of range exception will not be thrown on chart to image conversion.
  • #163056 - Issue with improper relative hyperlink address is fixed.
  • #163490 - Issue with percent values for Top10 auto filters is fixed.
  • #165013 - Issues with cell merge and its text data while copying ranges are fixed.
  • #163287 - Column width is preserved properly in Excel to HTML conversion.
  • #163802 - Issue with comment shapes while moving ranges is fixed.
  • #163473, #165498 - File is no longer corrupted while setting ShowDataFieldInRow property to true.
  • #164462 - Issue with image position in Excel to PDF conversion is fixed.
  • #164435 - Circular reference exception thrown while moving a cell range is resolved.
  • #164782, #159383 - Not a legal OleAut date exception thrown while converting Excel document to PDF in Greek culture is fixed.
  • #162765 - Incorrect cell values in table ranges on PDF conversion is fixed.
  • #163341, #163474 - Issue with pivot filter types is fixed.
  • #161896 - Incorrect row height while merging the row with wrapped cells is fixed.
  • #154681 - Issues with text formatting in OfficeChart are fixed.
  • #165498 - Argument out of range exception thrown on ImportDataTable() is fixed.
  • #163682 - Invalid named range exception is no longer thrown while importing data table.
  • #163882 - Issues with conditional formatting of CFType cell formula are fixed.
  • #165559 - Exception is no longer thrown on accessing formula values from conditional formats.