Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC ListView

13 Jun 20234 minutes to read

This section explains briefly on how to create a ListView control in your application.

Create your first ListView in MVC

The Essential StudioListView widget builds an interactive list view interface. This control allows you to select an item from a list-like interface and provides the infrastructure to display a set of data items in different layouts or views. Lists display data, data navigation, result lists, and data entry.

Create your first ListView in ASP.NET MVC

List view Control

The following steps guide you to add a ListView control in a MVC application.

Create a simple ListView

  1. You can create a MVC Project and add necessary Dll’s and Scripts with the help of the given MVC-Getting Started Documentation.
  2. You need to add the class in the Models. Define the Class with key and text field. Then create a List of that class and add the data.
  • C#
  • public class ListData
                public string texts { get; set; }
            public static class ListDataModal
                public static List<ListData> listTempSource = new List<ListData>();
                public static List<ListData> setListDataSource()
                    listTempSource.Add(new ListData { texts = "Inbox" });
                    listTempSource.Add(new ListData { texts = "VIP" });
                    listTempSource.Add(new ListData { texts = "Drafts" });
                    listTempSource.Add(new ListData { texts = "Sent" });
                    listTempSource.Add(new ListData { texts = "Junk" });
                    listTempSource.Add(new ListData { texts = "Trash" });
                    listTempSource.Add(new ListData { texts = "All mails" });
                    listTempSource.Add(new ListData { texts = "Mail" });
                    return listTempSource;

    In the controller page, you need to pass the model class to the corresponding view.

  • C#
  • public ActionResult Index()
                return View(ListDataModal.setListDataSource());               

    In the View page, add ListView helper and map the Local data list to corresponding DataSource and ListviewFields. You need to refer the model class at the top of the page.

  • @model List<ApplicationName.Models.ListData>
            @Html.EJ().ListView("Listview").ShowHeader(false).Height(206).Width(400).DataSource(Model).FieldSettings(f => { f.Text("texts"); });

    Run the above code to render the following output.

    Create a simple ListView in ASP.NET MVC

    Add header

    You can add a header for ListView using ShowHeader property. Refer to the following code example.

  • <!—Add Listview control with header -->
        @model List<ApplicationName.Models.ListData>
        @Html.EJ().ListView("Listview").ShowHeader(true).HeaderTitle("Mailbox").Height(206).Width(400).DataSource(Model).FieldSettings(f => { f.Text("texts"); });

    Run the above code to render the following output.

    ASP.NET MVC ListView Add header