Globalization and localization in ASP.NET MVC Grid

13 Jun 20239 minutes to read


All text in the grid can be localized using the ej.Grid.Locale object. Please find the table with list of properties and its value in locale object.

Locale key words Text
EmptyRecord No records to display
PagerInfo {0} of {1} pages ({2} items)
GroupDropArea Drag a column header here to group its column
DeleteOperationAlert No records selected for delete operation
EditOperationAlert No records selected for edit operation
SaveButton Save
OKButton OK
CancelButton Cancel
EditFormTitle Details of
AddFormTitle Add New Record
GroupCaptionFormat {{:headerText}}: {{:key}} - {{:count}} {{if count == 1 }} item {{else}} items {{/if}}
BatchSaveConfirm Are you sure you want to save changes?
BatchSaveLostChanges Unsaved changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?
ConfirmDelete Are you sure you want to Delete Record?
FrozenColumnsViewAlert Frozen columns should be in grid view area
FrozenColumnsScrollAlert Enable allowScrolling while using frozen Columns
FrozenNotSupportedException Frozen Columns and Rows are not supported for Grouping, Row Template, Detail Template, Hierarchy Grid and Batch Editing
Add Add
Edit Edit
Delete Delete
Update Update
Cancel Cancel
Done Done
Columns Columns
PrintGrid Print
ExcelExport Excel Export
WordExport Word Export
PdfExport PDF Export
StringMenuOptions [{text: "StartsWith",value: "StartsWith"},{text: "EndsWith",value: "EndsWith"},{text: "Contains",value: "Contains"},{text: "Equal",value: "Equal"},{text: "NotEqual",value: "NotEqual"}]
NumberMenuOptions [{text: "LessThan",value: "LessThan"},{text: "GreaterThan",value: "GreaterThan"},{text: "LessThanOrEqual",value: "LessThanOrEqual"},{text: "GreaterThanOrEqual",value: "GreaterThanOrEqual"},{text: "Equal",value: "Equal"},{text: "NotEqual",value: "NotEqual"}]
PredicateAnd AND
PredicateOr OR
Filter Filter
FilterMenuCaption Filter Value
FilterbarTitle 's filter bar cell
MatchCase Match Case
Clear Clear
ResponsiveFilter Filter
ResponsiveSorting Sort
Search Search
DatePickerWaterMark Select date
EmptyDataSource DataSource must not be empty at initial load since columns are generated from the dataSource in AutoGenerate Column Grid
True True
False False
UnGroup Click here to ungroup
AddRecord Add Record
EditRecord Edit Record
DeleteRecord Delete Record
Save Save
Grouping Grouping
Ungrouping Ungrouping
SortInAscendingOrder Sort In Ascending Order
SortInDescendingOrder Sort In Descending Order

Pager Localization

Paging in Grid can also be localized using the ej.Pager.Locale object. Please find the table with list of properties and its value in locale object.

Locale key words Text
PagerInfo {0} of {1} pages ({2} items)
firstPageTooltip Go to first page
lastPageTooltip Go to last page
nextPageTooltip Go to next page
previousPageTooltip Go to previous page
nextPagerTooltip Go to next Pager
previousPagerTooltip Go to previous Pager






        .Columns(col =>


            col.Field("OrderID").HeaderText("Order ID").IsPrimaryKey(true).TextAlign(TextAlign.Right).Width(75).Add();

            col.Field("CustomerID").HeaderText("Customer ID").Width(95).Add();

            col.Field("EmployeeID").HeaderText("Employee ID").TextAlign(TextAlign.Right).Width(95).Add();


            col.Field("ShipCity").HeaderText("Ship City").Width(80).Add();


public partial class GridController : Controller



	// GET: /Localization/

	public ActionResult Localization()


		var DataSource = new NorthwindDataContext().OrdersViews.ToList();

		ViewBag.dataSource = DataSource;

		return View();


<script type="text/javascript">

ej.Grid.Locale["de-DE"] = {
    EmptyRecord: "Keine Aufzeichnungen angezeigt",
    GroupDropArea: "Ziehen Sie eine Spaltenüberschrift hier",
    DeleteOperationAlert: "Keine Einträge für Löschvorgang ausgewählt",
    EditOperationAlert: "Keine Einträge für Bearbeiten Betrieb ausgewählt",
    SaveButton: "Speichern",
    CancelButton: "stornieren",
    EditFormTitle: "Korrektur von",
    GroupCaptionFormat: "{{:field}}: {{:key}} - {{:count}} {{if count == 1}}Beiträge{{else}}Beiträges{{/if}}",
    UnGroup: "Klicken Sie hier, um die Gruppierung aufheben"
 ej.Pager.Locale["de-DE"] = {
    pagerInfo: "{0} von {1} Seiten ({2} Beiträge)",
    firstPageTooltip: "Zur ersten Seite",
    lastPageTooltip: "Zur letzten Seite",
    nextPageTooltip: "Zur nächsten Seite",
    previousPageTooltip: "Zurück zur letzten Seite",
    nextPagerTooltip: "Zum nächsten Pager",
    previousPagerTooltip: "Zum vorherigen Pager"

ASP.NET MVC Grid localization


You need to change pager locale in ej.Pager.Locale object.

Excel-filter Localization

All text in Excel-filter can be localized using the ej.ExcelFilter.Locale object. Please find the table with list of properties and its value in locale object.

Locale key words Text
SortNoSmaller Sort Smallest to Largest
SortNoLarger Sort Largest to smallest
SortTextAscending Sort A to Z
SortTextDescending Sort Z to A
SortDateOldest Sort By Oldest
SortDateNewest Sort By Newest
SortByColor Sort By Color
SortByCellColor Sort By Cell Color
SortByFontColor: Sort By Font Color:
FilterByColor Filter By Color
SortColorOptions: [{ id: 1, background:"#FFFFFF"}, {id: 2, background:"#5EABDA"}],
CustomSort Custom Sort
FilterColorOptions { id: 1, background:"#FFFFFF"}, {id: 2, background:"#5EABDA"}],
FilterByCellColor Filter By Cell Color
FilterByFontColor Filter By Font Color
ClearFilter Clear Filter
NumberFilter Number Filter
TextFilter Text Filter
DateFilter Date Filter
DateTimeFilter Date Time Filters
GuidFilter Guid Filters
StringMenuOptions [{ text:"Equal",value:"equal"},{ text:"Not Equal", value:"notequal"},{ text:"Starts With",value:"startswith"}, { text:"Ends With",value:"endswith"},{ text:"Contains",value:"contains"}, {text:"Custom Filter", value:"customfilter"}],
NumberMenuOptions [{text:"Equal",value:"equal"}, {text:"Not Equal",value:"notequal"}, { text:"Less Than",value:"lessthan"}, {text:"Less Than Or Equal", value:"lessthanorequal"}, {text:"Greater Than",value:"greaterthan"},{ text:"Greater Than Or Equal", value:"greaterthanorequal"}, { text:"Between",value:"between"},{ text:"Custom Filter", value:"customfilter"}]
DateMenuOptions [{ text:"Equal", value:"equal"}, {text:"Not Equal",value:"notequal"},{text:"Less Than",>value:"lessthan"}, {text:"Less Than Or Equal",value:"lessthanorequal"}, {text:"Greater Than",value:"greaterthan"},{text:"Greater Than Or Equal", value:"greaterthanorequal"}, { text:"Between",value:"between"},{ text:"Custom Filter", value:"customfilter"}]
DatetimeMenuOptions [{ text: "Equal", value: "equal" }, { text: "Not Equal", value: "notequal" }, { text: "Less Than", value: "lessthan" }, { text: "Less Than Or Equal", value: "lessthanorequal" }, { text: "Greater Than", value: "greaterthan" }, { text: "Greater Than Or Equal", value: "greaterthanorequal" }, { text: "Between", value: "between" }, { text: "Custom Filter", value: "customfilter" }]
Top10MenuOptions [{ text:"Top", value:"top"},{text:"Bottom", value:"bottom"}]
GuidMenuOptions [{ text: "Equal", value: "equal" }, { text: "Not Equal", value: "notequal" }, { text: "Custom Filter", value: "customfilter" }]
title Custom Filter
PredicateOr OR
PredicateAnd AND
MathCase Match Case
Cancel Cancel
NoResult No Match Found
CheckBoxStatusMsg Not all items showing
DatePickerWaterMark Select date
DateTimePickerWaterMark Select date time
True True
False False
SelectAll Select All
Blanks Blanks
Showrowswhere Show rows where
NumericTextboxWaterMark Enter value
Search Search
AddToFilter Add current selection to filter

Please find the code





        .FilterSettings(filter => filter.FilterType(FilterType.Excel))
        .Columns(col =>

            col.Field("OrderID").HeaderText("Order ID").IsPrimaryKey(true).TextAlign(TextAlign.Right).Width(75).Add();

            col.Field("CustomerID").HeaderText("Customer ID").Width(95).Add();

            col.Field("EmployeeID").HeaderText("Employee ID").TextAlign(TextAlign.Right).Width(95).Add();


            col.Field("ShipCity").HeaderText("Ship City").Width(80).Add();


public partial class GridController : Controller



	// GET: /Localization/

	public ActionResult Localization()


		var DataSource = new NorthwindDataContext().OrdersViews.ToList();

		ViewBag.dataSource = DataSource;

		return View();


<script type="text/javascript">

ej.ExcelFilter.Locale["de-DE"] = {
      SortNoSmaller: "Art Anzahl kleiner",
      SortNoLarger: "Art Anzahl größer",
      SortTextAscending: "Sortieren aufsteigend Text",
      SortTextDescending: "Sortieren absteigend Text",
      SortDateOldest: "Sortieren Datum Älteste",
      SortDateNewest: "Datum sortieren Neueste",
      ClearFilter: "Filter löschen",
      DateFilter: "Datum Filter"

ASP.NET MVC Grid globalization


We have uploaded the pre-defined language packs for some commonly used cultures in this github location. Refer to the github location for getting the pre-defined language packs for the corresponding culture. The culture file has localized texts for all the Syncfusion controls.


The ej.globalize library is used to globalize numeric values in the grid control using Format property in Columns. Globalize values will be automatically used when Locale property is set with locale string value for example en-US.




        .Columns(col =>

            col.Field("OrderID").HeaderText("Order ID").TextAlign(TextAlign.Right).Width(75).Add();

            col.Field("CustomerID").HeaderText("Customer ID").Width(95).Add();

            col.Field("EmployeeID").HeaderText("Employee ID").TextAlign(TextAlign.Right).Width(95).Add();


            col.Field("ShipCity").HeaderText("Ship City").Width(80).Add();


public partial class GridController : Controller



	// GET: /Localization/

	public ActionResult Localization()


		var DataSource = new NorthwindDataContext().OrdersViews.ToList();

		ViewBag.dataSource = DataSource;

		return View();





To translate our control content from default English to any of the culture, say For example - German language, then you need to refer the file in your application, after the reference of ej.web.all.min.js file. For all culture files, please download from the GitHub location.

See Also


Right to left - RTL

By default, the grid render its text and layout from left to right. To customize grid’s direction, you can change direction from LTR to RTL by using EnableRTL as true.




        .Columns(col =>

            col.Field("OrderID").HeaderText("Order ID").TextAlign(TextAlign.Right).Width(120).Add();

            col.Field("CustomerID").HeaderText("Customer ID").Width(120).Add();

            col.Field("EmployeeID").HeaderText("Employee ID").TextAlign(TextAlign.Right).Width(120).Add();


            col.Field("ShipCity").HeaderText("Ship City").Width(120).Add();


public partial class GridController : Controller



	// GET: /Localization/

	public ActionResult Localization()


		var DataSource = new NorthwindDataContext().OrdersViews.ToList();

		ViewBag.dataSource = DataSource;

		return View();



ASP.NET MVC Grid dataSource