Essential Studio for ASP.NET Release Notes

May 3, 2016


Bug Fixes

  • #154917 - Trendline is now working properly for unsorted x values.
  • #154857 - Now the spline chart will get exported in excel.
  • #154144 - Data label is now clipped when it exceeds the chart area after zooming.
  • #153987 - Spline series is now working when the data is in string and the axis value type is in double.
  • #153723 - Exception on hovering lengthy legend text is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #154623 - Issue in setting the value for circular gauge properties from code behind is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #154520 – Now able to set the MinDate value dynamically in DatePicker ‘Display-Inline’ mode.


Bug Fixes

  • #154520 – Model value updated properly when MinDateTime value is set greater than selected value.


Bug Fixes

  • #151174 - Relative position properties are now preserved properly while opening and saving the Word DOCX format document.
  • #155024 - Argument out of range exception is no longer thrown while saving the Word document with charts.
  • #154762 - Text box internal margins are now preserved properly while saving the Word DOCX format document.
  • #154762 - Cell width for the table containing misaligned cells are now preserved properly in Word to HTML conversion.
  • #154762 - Line breaks are now preserved properly during Word to HTML conversion.
  • #153445 - Check box size and size type is now properly preserved during Word to HTML conversion and vice versa.
  • #151329 - Line spacing is now preserved properly for paragraphs in HTML to Word conversion.
  • #153445, #151329 - Paragraph properties such as contextual spacing, keep lines together, keep with next, auto spacing before and after are now preserved properly during Word to HTML conversion and vice versa.
  • #154912 - Argument out of range exception is no longer thrown while converting the Word document containing table without any rows and cells to PDF.
  • #152711 - Table is now positioned properly while converting a particular Word document to PDF.
  • #151613 - Vertical alignment for the table cell is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document to PDF.
  • #153645, #152872 - Tab width is now preserved properly when the paragraph has the horizontal alignment other than left while converting the Word document to PDF.
  • #154514, #155079 - Null reference exception is no longer thrown while converting a particular Word document to PDF.
  • #152802 - Table is now wrapped around a floating item properly while converting the Word document to PDF.
  • #154195 - Absolute table with row height greater than page height is now preserved properly while converting the Word document to PDF.
  • #154455 - Text followed by Symbol field is now preserved properly while converting the Word document to PDF.
  • #149223 - Word documents with huge content are now converted to PDF without delays in a reasonable time.
  • #152802 - Table containing vertical merged cell with text direction as vertical are now preserved properly while converting the Word document to PDF.
  • #153645 - Cell width for the table that does not have preferred width is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document to PDF.
  • #151613 - Now word wraps to new line properly based on non-breaking space while converting a particular Word document to PDF.
  • #151613 - Floating table is now preserved properly while converting the Word document with compatibility option - “don’t break wrapped tables across pages” to PDF.
  • #154624 - The items which were selected in DropDownList can be cleared in code behind.



  • Now performance has been improved while rendering large data with multiple predecessors for each tasks in Gantt.
  • #154812 – Now the placeholder text in the search text box in Gantt will be hidden on mouse click instead of key press event.
  • #152733 – Now Gantt can be displayed in read-only mode by enabling readOnly property
  • #146694 – Now it is possible to reorder the Gantt rows by enabling allowDragAndDrop property.

Bug fixes

  • #150657 – Now Gantt can be displayed without using childMapping property with self-referential datasource.


Bug Fixes

  • #155633 - Now, we can access CustomContextMenuItem property as inner level property of ContextMenuSettings.
  • #153689 - Double tap is working fine in mobile device.

Breaking Changes

  • In Grid, Persisted item in local storage has changed $ej$+pluginName+id instead of pluginName+id.


Bug Fixes

  • #153896 - Embedded EMF is now preserved properly while converting Word to PDF.
  • #153816 - TIFF to PDF conversion now works as expected.
  • #153957 - Text is no more clipped when converting XPS to PDF.
  • #153659 - Unexpected token exception is no more thrown when loading a PDF document.
  • #154166 - NullReferenceException is no more thrown when time stamping the digital signature.
  • #151146 - Text is now preserved properly when flattening the form fields.
  • #151146 - Text is now aligned properly when flattening the form fields.
  • #153990 - TypeInitializationException is no more thrown when using PdfTrueTypeFont.
  • #152764 - Document information is no more blank when adding metadata.
  • #153343 - English text is now preserved properly when using CJK fonts.

    Predictive Analytics


  • #154527 - Added support to return output field evaluation results along with Predicted Result.

Bug Fixes

  • #154922 - Resolved the scoring procedure issues with mining (Ensemble) model evaluator.


Bug Fixes

  • #154974 - Application will no longer hangs while opening particular PPTX file.
  • #154335 - Index out of range exception will no longer be thrown while opening PPTX file containing chart sheet in its embedded workbook.


Bug Fixes

  • #155009 - Exception on setting range in string is fixed.



  • #146074, #146095, #153532 Provided support to retain header visibility while scrolling the ReportViewer container.



  • Provided support for RTL mode.


Bug fixes

  • #154122 - Now the expanded state of a parent row will be maintained on resizing browser window, when both EnableVirtualization and EnableCollapseAll properties are enabled.


Bug fixes

  • #123569, #154705 - Virtual path can be given for the “SaveFiles” and “RemoveFiles” properties of UploadBox.


Bug fixes

  • #152796 - Ambiguity problem while accessing name of the chart through IChartShape is resolved.
  • #154096 - File corruption issue after resaving the file in XlsIO is resolved.
  • #154123 - Null reference exception is no longer thrown while parsing chart series data points.
  • #154057 - Parse exception is no longer thrown while parsing a workbook generated from EPPlus.
  • #153772 - Number format will no longer change inside ImportArray() method when it is passed as a parameter.
  • #153616, #154276 - Issues with conditional formatting is incorrect in HTML conversion are fixed.
  • #152942 - Text clipping is improper in Excel to HTML conversion is fixed.
  • #150880, #151503 - FormulaValue is now updated properly after updating the formula.
  • Argument exception is no longer thrown while accessing first formula in data validation.
  • Null reference exception is no longer thrown while accessing RTF text.
  • AutoFitColumns is now working properly for accounting number formats.
  • Overflow exception will no longer occur while setting cell reference as formula.
  • Argument out of range exception is no longer thrown while setting empty string to IMigrantRange.
  • Argument out of range exception is no longer thrown when opening the excel file using XlsIO.
  • GetRowHeightInPixels() method now returns proper row height on opening a file.
  • Row values are updated properly after DeleteRow().
  • SerieType property of chart is now properly updated on resaving XLSX file.
  • Auto-fitting rows now returns proper row height in XlsIO.
  • IsSummaryRowBelow flag in subtotal is now working properly.
  • Issues in display text for pre-defined currency number formats are fixed.
  • Null reference exception for pivot source range while importing is handled.