Essential Studio for ASP.NET Core Release Notes

November 18, 2016



  • Essential ASP.NET Core seamlessly compatible with VS2017

  • #162203 - Now Theme studio have the option to switch to the previous version, to customize the corresponding version`s themes.

Bug Fixes

  • #166449 - Data Annotation now working properly in ASP.NET Core platform.

  • #165738 - Downloaded LESS and CSS files are from theme studio which was not generated properly henceforth, issue has been fixed.

Signature preview

We have launched new control for capturing the digital signature with mouse and touch compatibility. The Signature control is used to capture or drawing the smooth signatures.


  • Signature captures signature as vector outlines of the strokes
  • Using Signature we can customize the background, stroke width and stroke color.
  • Provided Undo, Redo & Clear options.
  • Converts the captured signature into image format.


Bug Fixes

  • #166594 - Animation for line type series is now working properly for jQuery 3 and above version.
  • #165051 - Marker is now removed properly while the points in series are emptied.
  • #165243 - Radar chart is now rendering properly while enabling the marker.
  • #166453 - Zoom toolbar is now rendering properly in canvas mode.
  • #164589 - Zoom toolbar will not hide while enabling the DataLabel Template.


  • Provided support for drag and drop of points in chart.
  • #160843 - Provided support for datetime category axis.
  • #162320 - Provided an option to force the range for vertical axis of column type series to start from zero.​​​ By default the range will start from zero.


Bug Fixes

  • #162485 - Enhanced data binding (Strongly typed tag helper support) has been provided for Checkbox control.


Bug Fixes

  • #165319 - Background color for half-circular gauge is now applied properly.


Breaking Changes

  • Default encoding is modified from UTF-8 with BOM to UTF-8 without BOM while saving text file using the method Save(string fileName, FormatType.Txt) of WordDocument class and it can be modified using existing public method SaveTxt(string fileName, Encoding encoding) of WordDocument class.
  • Default encoding is modified from Windows Default (ANSI) without BOM to UTF-8 without BOM while saving text file using the method Save(Stream stream, FormatType.Txt) of WordDocument class and it can be modified using new public method SaveTxt(Stream stream, Encoding encoding) of WordDocument class.

Bug Fixes

  • #161326 - WMF images are now preserved properly while import/export the DOC format document.
  • #162311 - Checkbox is now preserved properly while resaving a particular DOCX format document.
  • #163760 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer thrown while opening a particular RTF format document.
  • #165424 - Unicode characters are now preserved properly while resaving a particular RTF format document.
  • #163530 - EncoderFallbackException will no longer thrown while resaving a particular Word document as Text file.
  • #162545 - Track changes are now accepted properly for the particular DOCX format document.
  • #164220 - Empty paragraph is now preserved properly while resaving a particular Word document as HTML.
  • #164220 - Line spacing is now preserved properly while resaving a particular Word document as HTML.
  • #164782 - IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer thrown while disposing a particular Word document.
  • #165645 - Character spacing of text is now preserved properly while import/export a RTF document.
  • #165843 - List number is now preserved properly while clone and merge a particular Word document.
  • #164561 - Page and NumPages fields are now preserved properly while resaving a particular Word document.
  • #165820 - FormatException will no longer thrown while opening a particular RTF format document.
  • #165387, #166451 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while executing Mail merge using ExecuteNestedGroup() method.



  • #164555 - Now support has been provided to render tasks with incorrect/empty parent IDs to the root level.
  • #164024 - Now TaskbarClick event will be triggered while clicking the taskbars.
  • #166671 - Now it is possible to export the Gantt control to excel sheet.
  • #166335 - Provided support to update the resource data dynamically using setModel



  • Support provided to change the unassigned swim lane key values with user defined keys.



  • We have provided template support for ListBox with virtual scrolling using the newly added API ItemHeight to customize the items.



  • We have provided localization support for ListView header text.


Bug Fixes

  • #163272 - Updating old markers with new markers are working properly while refreshing map.


Bug Fixes

  • #158424 - Index was outside the bounds of the array exception is no longer thrown, while loading a PDF document.
  • #163906 - Adobe reader exception is no longer thrown, while drawing image in the PDF document.
  • #164832 - Can not find catalog information exception is no longer thrown while loading a PDF document.
  • #154150 - PdfGrid cells are now properly resized based on the row span.
  • #164859 - Application will never get hang while generating the PDF document in multi thread environment using PdfTrueTypeFont.
  • #165358 - NullReferenceException is no longer thrown while accessing file name in PdfLoadedFileLinkAnnotation.
  • #163307 - Layer value is now preserved properly while retrieving from the PDF loaded document.
  • #163309 - Font value is now preserved properly in the PDF loaded document.
  • #161409 - Form fields value are now preserved properly in extended feature enabled document.
  • #165258 - Size of the PDF document pages now preserving correctly when loading the PDF documents.
  • #165326 - ArgumentException is no longer thrown while saving PdfLoadedDocument.
  • #164884 - No more empty layers are added while getting PDF page layers.
  • #161409 - Form fields value has been preserved properly in extended feature enabled document.
  • #165345 - Form fields value has been preserved properly while appending the text in the PDF document.

Predictive Analytics

Bug Fixes

  • #167087 - Resolved the PMML 4.2 version compatibility issues with Naive Bayes model evaluator.



  • #166430 - Added support to access and modify the rotation angle of a shape in PowerPoint slides.

Breaking Changes

  • The property Rotation is now added into IShape interface.

Bug Fixes

  • #166067 - The generated PowerPoint presentation will be no longer corrupted while adding or removing the Notes pages.
  • #160129 - Issues with adding multiple instances of OLE objects in a PowerPoint slide is now resolved.
  • #165072 - Issues in Clone and Merge functionalities are now resolved.
  • #164372 - Null reference exception will be no longer thrown while resaving the PowerPoint presentation with a cloned SmartArt diagram.
  • #162341 - Text formatting will be now preserved properly while merging two PowerPoint presentations.
  • #164372 - The merged PowerPoint presentation will be no longer corrupted while cloning the slides using KeepSourceFormatting option.


Bug Fixes

  • #162485 - Enhanced data binding (Strongly typed tag helper support) has been provided for RadioButton control.



  • On-demand rendering support provided for ribbon tabs and backstage.



  • Month name(in short format) is displayed on the Schedule date header, when more than one month is rendered in the horizontal custom view.

Breaking changes

  • #166818 - Day column in the Agenda view is localized correctly now, while switching to different cultures.


Bug fixes

  • #F126314 - The issue on setting SplitPane properties from its tag helper has been fixed.

Spreadsheet preview


  • Provided support for Excel-Like Pivot Table.

Bug fixes

  • #163548 - Provided event for formula cells recalculation when updating its dependent cell value.
  • #165134 - Provided support for disable or enable resizing option in shape element(chart, picture).



  • #165411 - Now validation can be achieved in TimePicker using ValidationRules and ValidationMessages API.



  • #161305 - Provided support for filtering data using filter menus.
  • #161198 - Provided support for rearranging the visible columns in TreeGrid.

Bug Fixes

  • #166579 - Issue with RowDragStop event while canceling the event has been fixed.
  • #166690 - Toolbar renders with add and edit icons even when the toolbarItems array is empty has been fixed.
  • #165100 - It is now possible to change column resize mode using ColumnResizeSettings property.
  • #166765 - Issue while changing self-referential data source via setModel has been fixed.



  • #157634 – Provided the option to highlight the full row of TreeView node in TreeView control.



  • Support for advanced filter is provided.
  • Support for comment in ODS export is provided.

Breaking changes

  • The method AdvancedFilters is now added in IWorksheet interface.
  • The methods SetPreviousBaseItem and SetNextBaseItem are now added in IPivotField interface.

Bug fixes

  • #163654 - Argument out of range exception is no longer thrown when opening Excel document with shapes.
  • #163633 - Data validation and conditional formatting are properly updated in XLS format.
  • #163489 - File corruption issue while creating a document with single column sorting is resolved.
  • #163056 - Issue with improper relative hyperlink address is fixed.
  • #163490 - Issue with percent values for Top10 auto filters is fixed.
  • #165013 - Issues with cell merge and its text data while copying ranges are fixed.
  • #163802 - Issue with comment shapes while moving ranges is fixed.
  • #163473, #165498 - File is no longer corrupted while setting ShowDataFieldInRow property to true.
  • #164435 - Circular reference exception thrown while moving a cell range is resolved.
  • #164782, #159383 - Not a legal OleAut date exception thrown while converting Excel document to PDF in Greek culture is fixed.
  • #163341, #163474 - Issue with pivot filter types is fixed.
  • #161896 - Incorrect row height while merging the row with wrapped cells is fixed.
  • #154681 - Text formatting issues in chart elements like data label, title, legend and axis title are fixed.
  • #163882 - Issues with conditional formatting of CFType cell formula are fixed.
  • #165559 - Exception is no longer thrown on accessing formula values from conditional formats.
  • #163337 - Application hangs while opening Excel file with pivot table has been fixed.
  • #163560, #166624 - Formulas updation issue after inserting rows has been fixed.
  • #157952 - Issue with removal of comments while moving a range has been fixed.
  • #164858 - Exception while saving a document by deleting a row with filter, is no longer thrown.
  • #164758 - File corruption issue while re-saving in German culture has been fixed.
  • #165805 - Looping issue while opening an Excel document with absolute anchored shapes has been fixed.
  • #166878 - Null reference exception is no longer thrown while copying empty cells to new workbook.