11 Jul 201824 minutes to read
The DropDownList control provides a list of options to choose an item from the list. It can including other HTML elements such as images, textboxes, check box, radio buttons, and so on.
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList({targetID: "carsList"});
// Another way to render the DropDownList control.
<select name="selectIndex" id="dropdown">
<option value="Art">Art</option>
<option value="Architecture">Architecture</option>
<option value="Biographies">Biographies</option>
<option value="Business">Business</option>
<option value="ComputerIT">ComputerIT</option>
<option value="Comics">Comics</option>
<option value="Cookery">Cookery</option>
<option value="Environment">Environment</option>
<option value="Fiction">Fiction</option>
<option value="Health">Health</option>
<option value="Humanities">Humanities</option>
<option value="Language">Language</option>
// Creates the DropDownList
allowVirtualScrolling boolean
The Virtual Scrolling(lazy loading) feature is used to display a large amount of data that you require without buffering the entire load of a huge database records in the DropDownList, that is, when scrolling, an AJAX request is sent to fetch some amount of data from the server dynamically. To achieve this scenario with DropDownList, set the allowVirtualScrolling to true.
Default Value
- false
<input type="text" id="CompanyNames" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Customers" });
"dataSource": dataManagerObj,
"fields": { text: "CompanyName", value: 'ContactName' },
"width": 260,
"itemsCount": 10,
"allowVirtualScrolling": true
cascadeTo string
The cascading DropDownLists is a series of two or more DropDownLists in which each DropDownList is filtered according to the previous DropDownList’s value.
Default Value
- null
<span>Select Group</span><input id="groupsList" type="text"/>
<span>Select Country</span><input id="countryList" type="text"/><script>
var groups = [
{ parentId: 'a', text: "Group A" },
{ parentId: 'b', text: "Group B" },
{ parentId: 'c', text: "Group C" },
{ parentId: 'd', text: "Group D" },
{ parentId: 'e', text: "Group E" }
var countries = [
{ value: 11, parentId: 'a', text: "Algeria"},
{ value: 12, parentId: 'a', text: "Armenia"},
{ value: 13, parentId: 'a', text: "Bangladesh"},
{ value: 14, parentId: 'a', text: "Cuba"},
{ value: 15, parentId: 'b', text: "Denmark"},
{ value: 16, parentId: 'b', text: "Egypt"},
{ value: 17, parentId: 'c', text: "Finland"},
{ value: 18, parentId: 'c', text: "India"},
{ value: 19, parentId: 'c', text: "Malaysia"},
{ value: 20, parentId: 'd', text: "New Zealand"},
{ value: 21, parentId: 'd', text: "Norway"},
{ value: 22, parentId: 'd', text: "Poland"},
{ value: 23, parentId: 'e', text: "Romania"},
{ value: 24, parentId: 'e', text: "Singapore"},
{ value: 25, parentId: 'e', text: "Thailand"},
{ value: 26, parentId: 'e', text: "Ukraine"}
//Sets the cascadeTo API value during initialization.
dataSource: groups,
fields: { value: "parentId", text: "text" },
cascadeTo: 'countryList'
dataSource: countries,
fields: { value: "value", text: "text" },
enabled: false
caseSensitiveSearch boolean
Sets the case sensitivity of the search operation. It supports both enableFilterSearch and enableIncrementalSearch property.
Default Value
- false
<input type="text" id="dropdown" /><div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Initializes the DropDownList with the caseSensitiveSearch specified.
targetID: "carsList",
enableFilterSearch : true,
caseSensitiveSearch: true
cssClass string
Dropdown widget’s style and appearance can be controlled based on 13 different default built-in themes.
You can customize the appearance of the dropdown by using the cssClass property. You need to specify a class name in the cssClass property and the same class name is used before the class definitions wherever the custom styles are applied.
Default Value
- ””
<link href="http://cdn.syncfusion.com/28.1.33/js/web/flat-saffron/ej.web.all.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
//Initializes the DropDownList with the cssClass value specified.
targetID: "carsList",
cssClass: "flat-saffron"
dataSource object
This property is used to serve data from the data services based on the query provided. To bind the data to the dropdown widget, the dataSource property is assigned with the instance of the ej.DataManager.
Default Value
- null
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
// DataManager creation.
var dataManager = ej.DataManager("http://mvc.syncfusion.com/Services/Northwnd.svc/Customers");
dataSource: dataManager,
fields: { text: "CustomerID" }
delimiterChar string
Sets the separator when the multiSelectMode with delimiter option or checkbox is enabled with the dropdown. When you enter the delimiter value, the texts after the delimiter are considered as a separate word or query. The delimiter string is a single character and must be a symbol. Mostly, the delimiter symbol is used as comma (,) or semi-colon (;) or any other special character.
Default Value
- ’,’
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
window.countries = [
{ text: "Algeria"},
{ text: "Argentina"},
{ text: "Armenia"},
{ text: "Brazil"},
{ text: "Bangladesh"}
//Sets the delimiterChar value during initialization.
delimiterChar: ";",
dataSource: window.countries,
multiSelectMode: "delimiter"
enableAnimation boolean
The enabled Animation property uses the easeOutQuad animation to SlideDown and SlideUp the Popup list in 200 and 100 milliseconds, respectively.
Default Value
- false
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Initializes the enableAnimation with the value specified.
targetID: "carsList",
enableAnimation: true
enabled boolean
This property is used to indicate whether the DropDownList control responds to the user interaction or not. By default, the control is in the enabled mode and you can disable it by setting it to false.
Default Value
- true
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Initializes the DropDownList with the enabled value specified.
targetID: "carsList",
enabled: false
enableIncrementalSearch boolean
Specifies to perform incremental search for the selection of items from the DropDownList with the help of this property. This helps in selecting the item by using the typed character.
Default Value
- true
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Initializes the enableIncrementalSearch with the value specified.
$("#dropdown").ejDropDownList({targetID: "carsList",enableIncrementalSearch: true });
enableFilterSearch boolean
This property selects the item in the DropDownList when the item is entered in the Search textbox.
Default Value
- false
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Initializes the enableFilterSearch with the value specified.
targetID: "carsList",
enableFilterSearch: true
enableServerFiltering boolean
The serverfiltering is to perform filter action when text is typed in the search box and filtering will be done based on the collection which contains the matched item from entire datasource. Serverfiltering will be done based on the entire items in DataSource.
Default Value
- false
<input type="text" id="CompanyNames" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://js.syncfusion.com/ejServices/Wcf/Northwind.svc/" });
"dataSource": dataManagerObj,
"fields": { text: "CompanyName", value: 'ContactName' },
"width": 260,
"itemsCount": 10,
"enableFilterSearch": true,
"enableServerFiltering": true
enablePersistence boolean
Saves the current model value to the browser cookies for state maintenance. While refreshing the DropDownList control page, it retains the model value and it is applied from the browser cookies.
Default Value
- false
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Initializes the DropDownList with the enablePersistence value specified.
targetID: "carsList",
enablePersistence: true
enablePopupResize boolean
This enables the resize handler to resize the popup to any size.
Default Value
- false
<select name="selectIndex" id="dropdown">
<option value="Art">Art</option>
<option value="Architecture">Architecture</option>
<option value="Biographies">Biographies</option>
<option value="Business">Business</option>
<option value="ComputerIT">Computer IT</option>
<option value="Comics">Comics</option>
<option value="Cookery">Cookery</option>
<option value="Environment">Environment</option>
<option value="Fiction">Fiction</option>
<option value="Health">Health</option>
<option value="Humanities">Humanities</option>
<option value="Language">Language</option>
// Creates DropDownList.
enablePopupResize: true
enableRTL boolean
Sets the DropDownList textbox direction from right to left align.
Default Value
- false
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Initializes the DropDownList with the enableRTL value specified.
targetID: "carsList",
enableRTL: true
enableSorting boolean
This property is used to sort the Items in the DropDownList. By default, it sorts the items in an ascending order.
Default Value
- false
<input id="dropdown" type="text" /><div id="list">
<li id="Art">Art</li>
<li id="Architecture">Architecture</li>
<li id="Biographies">Biographies</li>
<li id="ComputerIT">Computer IT</li>
<li id="Comics">Comics</li>
<li id="Cookery">Cookery</li>
<li id="Fiction">Fiction</li>
<li id="Health">Health</li>
<li id="Humanities">Humanities</li>
<li id="Environment">Environment</li>
<li id="Language">Language</li>
<li id="Business">Business</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "list",
text: "Computer IT",
enableSorting : true,
sortOrder : "ascending"
loadOnDemand boolean
The property is used to determine whether the popup list is generated dynamically.
Default Value
- false
<input id="dropdown" type="text" /><div id="list">
<li id="Art">Art</li>
<li id="Architecture">Architecture</li>
<li id="Biographies">Biographies</li>
<li id="ComputerIT">Computer IT</li>
<li id="Comics">Comics</li>
<li id="Cookery">Cookery</li>
<li id="Fiction">Fiction</li>
<li id="Health">Health</li>
<li id="Humanities">Humanities</li>
<li id="Environment">Environment</li>
<li id="Language">Language</li>
<li id="Business">Business</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "list",
loadOnDemand : true,
fields object
Specifies the mapping fields for the data items of the DropDownList.
Default Value
- null
<input type="text" id="dropdown" /><script>
window.countries = [
{ text: "Algeria", flag: "flag-dz" },
{ text: "Argentina", flag: "flag-ar" },
{ text: "Armenia", flag: "flag-am" },
{ text: "Brazil", flag: "flag-br" },
{ text: "Bangladesh", flag: "flag-bangladesh" }
//Sets fields with API value during initialization.
dataSource: window.countries,
fields: { text: "text", value: "flag" }
fields.groupBy string
Used to group the items.
fields.htmlAttributes object
Defines the HTML attributes such as ID, class, and styles for the item.
fields.id string
Defines the ID for the tag.
fields.imageAttributes string
Defines the image attributes such as height, width, styles, and so on.
fields.imageUrl string
Defines the imageURL for the image location.
fields.selected boolean
Defines the tag value to be selected initially.
fields.spriteCssClass string
Defines the sprite CSS for the image tag.
fields.tableName string
Defines the table name for tag value or display text while rendering remote data.
fields.text string
Defines the text content for the tag.
fields.value string
Defines the tag value.
filterType enum
When the enableFilterSearch property value is set to true, the values in the DropDownList shows the items starting with or containing the key word/letter typed in the Search textbox.
Name | Description |
contains | filter the data wherever contains search key |
startsWith | filter the data based on search key present at start position |
Default Value
- ej.FilterType.Contains
<input id="dropdown" type="text" /><div id="list">
<li id="Art">Art</li>
<li id="Architecture">Architecture</li>
<li id="Biographies">Biographies</li>
<li id="Business">Business</li>
<li id="ComputerIT">Computer IT</li>
<li id="Comics">Comics</li>
<li id="Cookery">Cookery</li>
<li id="Environment">Environment</li>
<li id="Fiction">Fiction</li>
<li id="Health">Health</li>
<li id="Humanities">Humanities</li>
<li id="Language">Language</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "list",
text: "Computer IT",
enableFilterSearch : true,
filterType: ej.FilterType.Contains
<input id="dropdown" type="text" /><div id="list">
<li id="Art">Art</li>
<li id="Architecture">Architecture</li>
<li id="Biographies">Biographies</li>
<li id="Business">Business</li>
<li id="ComputerIT">Computer IT</li>
<li id="Comics">Comics</li>
<li id="Cookery">Cookery</li>
<li id="Environment">Environment</li>
<li id="Fiction">Fiction</li>
<li id="Health">Health</li>
<li id="Humanities">Humanities</li>
<li id="Language">Language</li>
// Creates DropDownList.
targetID: "list",
text: "Computer IT",
enableFilterSearch : true,
filterType: ej.FilterType.StartsWith
headerTemplate string
Used to create visualized header for dropdown items
Default Value
- null
// Sets the headerTemplate API value during initialization .
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
window.countries = [
{ text: "Argentina", flag: "flag-ar" },
{ text: "Armenia", flag: "flag-am" },
{ text: "Brazil", flag: "flag-br" },
{ text: "Bangladesh", flag: "flag-bangladesh" },
{ text: "Canada", flag: "flag-ca" }
dataSource: window.countries,
template: '<div class="flag ${flag}"> </div>' + '<div class="txt"> ${text} </div>', width: "200px"
headerTemplate: "<div class='header'><span class='flag-head'>Flag</span> <span class='con-head'>Countries</span> </div>"
<style type="text/css">
/* Sprite CSS for country flags and get the images from JS samples location */
.flag {
background: url("images/autocomplete/flags.png") no-repeat;
float: left;
height: 15px;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-top: 3px;
width: 25px;
.header {
border-bottom:1px solid #c8c8c8;
float: left;
margin-left: 12px;
margin-top: 5px;
float: right;
margin-right: 89px;
margin-top: 5px;
.flag.flag-am {background-position: -25px 0;}
.flag.flag-ar {background-position: -50px 0;}
.flag.flag-bangladesh {background-position: -75px 0;}
.flag.flag-br {background-position: -100px 0;}
.flag.flag-ca {background-position: -125px 0;}
height string|number
Defines the height of the DropDownList textbox.
Default Value
- null
<input type="text" id="dropdown" /><div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
//Initializes the DropDownList height property with the value specified.
targetID: "carsList",
height: 100
htmlAttributes object
It sets the given HTML attributes for the DropDownList control such as ID, name, disabled, etc.
Default Value
- null
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
//Initializes the DropDownList height property with the value specified.
targetID: "carsList",
htmlAttributes : { disabled: "disabled"}
itemsCount number
Data can be fetched in the DropDownList control by using the DataSource, specifying the number of items.
Default Value
- 5
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
window.countries = [
{ text: "Argentina", flag: "flag-ar" },
{ text: "Armenia", flag: "flag-am" },
{ text: "Brazil", flag: "flag-br" },
{ text: "Bangladesh", flag: "flag-bangladesh" },
{ text: "Canada", flag: "flag-ca" }
dataSource: window.countries,
itemsCount : 2
locale string
Allows the user to set the particular country or region language for the DropDownList.
Default Value
- “en-US”
<input type="text" id="company" />
$(function () {
var data = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Customers" });
dataSource: data,
fields: { text: "CompanyName", value: 'ContactName' },
width: 260,
showCheckbox: true,
locale: "de-DE",
enableFilterSearch: true,
enablePopupResize: true
maxPopupHeight string|number
Defines the maximum height of the suggestion box. This property restricts the maximum height of the popup when resize is enabled.
Default Value
- null
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", groupBy: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount : 20,
maxPopupHeight: "200px",
enablePopupResize: true
minPopupHeight string|number
Defines the minimum height of the suggestion box. This property restricts the minimum height of the popup when resize is enabled.
Default Value
- null
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", groupBy: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount : 20,
minPopupHeight: "150px",
enablePopupResize: true
maxPopupWidth string|number
Defines the maximum width of the suggestion box. This property restricts the maximum width of the popup when resize is enabled.
Default Value
- null
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", groupBy: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount : 20,
maxPopupWidth: "200px",
enablePopupResize: true
minPopupWidth string|number
Defines the minimum height of the suggestion box. This property restricts the minimum height of the popup when resize is enabled.
Default Value
- 0
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", groupBy: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount : 20,
minPopupWidth: "150px",
enablePopupResize: true
multiSelectMode enum
With the help of this property, you can make a single or multi selection with the DropDownList and display the text in two modes, delimiter and visual mode. In delimiter mode, you can separate the items by using the delimiter character such as comma (,) or semi-colon (;) or any other special character. In the visual mode, the items are showcased like boxes with close icon in the textbox.
Name | Description |
none | can select only single item in DropDownList |
delimiter | can select multiple items and it's separated by delimiterChar |
visualMode | can select multiple items and it's show's like visual box in textbox |
Default Value
- ej.MultiSelectMode.None
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
multiSelectMode: ej.MultiSelectMode.Delimiter
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
multiSelectMode: ej.MultiSelectMode.VisualMode
popupHeight string|number
Defines the height of the suggestion popup box in the DropDownList control.
Default Value
- “152px”
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", groupBy: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount : 20,
popupHeight: "190px"
popupWidth string|number
Defines the width of the suggestion popup box in the DropDownList control.
Default Value
- “auto”
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
//Initializes the DropDownList popupWidth property with the value specified.
targetID: "carsList",
popupWidth: 200
query object
Specifies the query to retrieve the data from the DataSource.
Default Value
- null
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", groupBy: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount: 20
readOnly boolean
Specifies that the DropDownList textbox values should be read-only.
Default Value
- false
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Initializes the DropDownList with the readOnly value specified.
targetID: "carsList",
text : "Audi A5",
readOnly: true
selectedIndex number
Specifies an item to be selected in the DropDownList.
Default Value
- null
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Sets the selectedItems API value during initialization.
targetID: "carsList",
selectedIndex: 1
selectedIndices array
Specifies the selectedItems for the DropDownList.
Default Value
- []
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Sets the selectedItems API value during initialization.
targetID: "carsList",
showCheckbox: true,
selectedIndices: [1, 2]
showCheckbox boolean
Selects multiple items in the DropDownList with the help of the checkbox control. To achieve this, enable the showCheckbox option to true.
Default Value
- false
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Initializes the DropDownList with the showCheckbox value specified.
targetID: "carsList",
showCheckbox: true
showPopupOnLoad boolean
DropDownList control is displayed with the popup seen.
Default Value
- false
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
// Initializes the DropDownList with the showPopupOnLoad value specified.
targetID: "carsList",
showPopupOnLoad: true
showRoundedCorner boolean
DropDownList textbox displayed with the rounded corner style.
Default Value
- false
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Initializes the DropDownList with the showRoundedCorner value specified.
targetID: "carsList",
showRoundedCorner: true
sortOrder enum
When the enableSorting property value is set to true, this property helps to sort the items either in ascending or descending order
Name | Description |
Ascending | Sort the data in ascending order |
Descending | Sort the data in descending order |
Default Value
- ej.SortOrder.Ascending
<input id="dropdown" type="text" /><div id="list">
<li id="Art">Art</li>
<li id="Architecture">Architecture</li>
<li id="Biographies">Biographies</li>
<li id="ComputerIT">Computer IT</li>
<li id="Comics">Comics</li>
<li id="Cookery">Cookery</li>
<li id="Fiction">Fiction</li>
<li id="Health">Health</li>
<li id="Humanities">Humanities</li>
<li id="Environment">Environment</li>
<li id="Language">Language</li>
<li id="Business">Business</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "list",
text: "Computer IT",
enableSorting : true,
sortOrder : ej.sortOrder.Descending
targetID string
Specifies the targetID for the DropDownList’s items.
Default Value
- null
<input type="text" id="dropdown" /><div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Initializes the DropDownList with the targetID value specified.
targetID: "carsList"
template string
By default, you can add any text or image to the DropDownList item. To customize the item layout or to create your own visualized elements, you can use this template support.
Default Value
- null
// Sets the template API value during initialization .
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
window.countries = [
{ text: "Argentina", flag: "flag-ar" },
{ text: "Armenia", flag: "flag-am" },
{ text: "Brazil", flag: "flag-br" },
{ text: "Bangladesh", flag: "flag-bangladesh" },
{ text: "Canada", flag: "flag-ca" }
dataSource: window.countries,
template: '<div class="flag ${flag}"> </div>' + '<div class="txt"> ${text} </div>', width: "200px"
<style type="text/css">
/* Sprite CSS for country flags and get the images from JS samples location */
.flag {
background: url("images/autocomplete/flags.png") no-repeat;
float: left;
height: 15px;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-top: 3px;
width: 25px;
.flag.flag-am {background-position: -25px 0;}
.flag.flag-ar {background-position: -50px 0;}
.flag.flag-bangladesh {background-position: -75px 0;}
.flag.flag-br {background-position: -100px 0;}
.flag.flag-ca {background-position: -125px 0;}
text string
Defines the text value that is displayed in the DropDownList textbox.
For the single selection mode, the selected item’s text will be returned in its data type. In case of MultiSelectMode, returns the selected item’s texts and separated by delimiterChar in string type.
Default Value
- null
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Initializes the DropDownList with the text specified.
var DropDownListObj = $('#dropdown').ejDropDownList(
targetID: "carsList",
text : "Audi A7"
console.log("Selected Item's Text - " + DropDownListObj.option("text"));
validationMessage object
Sets the jQuery validation error message in the DropDownList
Default Value
- null
<input type="text" id="dropdown" name="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", groupBy: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount: 20,
validationRules: {
required: true
validationMessage: {
required: "Required Dropdown value"
validationRules object
Sets the jQuery validation rules in the Dropdownlist.
Default Value
- null
<input type="text" id="dropdown" name="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", groupBy: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount: 20,
validationRules: {
required: true
validationMessage: {
required: "Required Dropdown value"
value string|number
Specifies the value (text content) for the DropDownList control.
For the single selection mode, the selected item’s value will be returned in its data type. In case of MultiSelectMode, returns the selected item’s values and separated by delimiterChar in string type.
Default Value
- null
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
//Initializes the DropDownList value property with the value specified.
var DropDownListObj = $('#dropdown').ejDropDownList(
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A7"
console.log("Selected Item's Value - " + DropDownListObj.option("value"));
watermarkText string
Specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of the DropDownList control.
Default Value
- null
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
//Initializes the DropDownList with the watermarkText value specified.
targetID: "carsList",
watermarkText: 'Enter text'
width string|number
Defines the width of the DropDownList textbox.
Default Value
- null
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
//Initializes the DropDownList width property with the width value specified.
targetID: "carsList",
width: 250
virtualScrollMode enum
The Virtual Scrolling feature is used to display a large amount of records in the DropDownList, that is, when scrolling, an AJAX request is sent to fetch some amount of data from the server dynamically. To achieve this scenario with DropDownList, set the allowVirtualScrolling to true. You can set the itemsCount property that represents the number of items to be fetched from the server on every AJAX request.
This property enables the data to load dynamically in two ways.
Name | Description |
normal | The data is loaded only to the corresponding page (display items). When scrolling some other position, it enables the load on demand with the DropDownList. |
continuous | The data items are loaded from the remote when scroll handle reaches the end of the scrollbar like infinity scrolling. |
Default Value
- “normal”
Example - Normal mode
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", value: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount: 20,
allowVirtualScrolling: true
Example - Continuous mode
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", value: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount: 20,
allowVirtualScrolling: true,
virtualScrollMode: "continuous"
Adding a single item or an array of items into the DropDownList allows you to specify all the field attributes such as value, template, image URL, and HTML attributes for those items.Grouping and sorting will not be supported when we add items through this method.
Name | Type | Description |
data | object|array | this parameter should have field attributes with respect to mapped field attributes and it's corresponding values to fields |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
window.countries = [
{ text: "Algeria"},
{ text: "Argentina"},
{ text: "Armenia"},
{ text: "Brazil"},
{ text: "Bangladesh"}
// Creates the DropDownList
dataSource: window.countries,
field: { text: "text"},
value: "Algeria"
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList("addItem", { text :"India"});
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
window.countries = [
{ text: "Algeria"},
{ text: "Argentina"},
{ text: "Armenia"},
{ text: "Brazil"},
{ text: "Bangladesh"}
// Creates the DropDownList
var dropdownObj = $('#dropdown').ejDropDownList(
dataSource: window.countries,
field: { text: "text"},
value: "Algeria"
//New Country Array.
window.newCountries = [
{ text: "India"},
{ text: "Pakistan"},
dropdownObj.addItem(newCountries );
This method is used to select all the items in the DropDownList.
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
var DropDownListObj = $('#dropdown').ejDropDownList(
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5",
showCheckbox: true
DropDownListObj.checkAll(); // checkAll values the DropDownList.
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5",
showCheckbox: true
Clears the text in the DropDownList textbox.
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates DropDownList.
var DropDownListObj = $('#dropdown').ejDropDownList(
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5"
DropDownListObj.clearText(); //Clears the DropDownList text.
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5"
Destroys the DropDownList widget.
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
var DropDownListObj = $('#dropdown').ejDropDownList(
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5"
DropDownListObj.destroy(); //Hides the DropDownList text.
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5"
This property is used to disable the DropDownList widget.
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList
var DropDownListObj = $('#dropdown').ejDropDownList(
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5"
DropDownListObj.disable(); //Hides the DropDownList text.
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5"
This property disables the set of items in the DropDownList.
Name | Type | Description |
index | string|number|array | disable the given index list items |
<input type="text" id="dropdown"/>
<ul id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
<li>BMW 501</li>
<li>BMW 502</li>
<li>BMW 503</li>
<li>BMW 507</li>
<li>BMW 3200</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
multiSelectMode: "delimiter"
var DropDownListObj = $("#dropdown").data("ejDropDownList");
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<ul id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
<li>BMW 501</li>
<li>BMW 502</li>
<li>BMW 503</li>
<li>BMW 507</li>
<li>BMW 3200</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
multiSelectMode: "delimiter"
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList("disableItemsByIndices", "3,5,7");
This property enables the DropDownList control.
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
var DropDownListObj = $('#dropdown').ejDropDownList(
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5",
enable: false
DropDownListObj.enable(); //Enables the DropDownList text.
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5",
enable: false
Enables an Item or set of Items that are disabled in the DropDownList
Name | Type | Description |
index | string|number|array | enable the given index list items if it's disabled |
<input type="text" id="dropdown"/>
<ul id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
<li>BMW 501</li>
<li>BMW 502</li>
<li>BMW 503</li>
<li>BMW 507</li>
<li>BMW 3200</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
multiSelectMode: "delimiter"
var DropDownListObj = $("#dropdown").data("ejDropDownList");
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<ul id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
<li>BMW 501</li>
<li>BMW 502</li>
<li>BMW 503</li>
<li>BMW 507</li>
<li>BMW 3200</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
multiSelectMode: "delimiter"
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList("disableItemsByIndices", "3,5,7");
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList("enableItemsByIndices", "3,7");
This method retrieves the items using given value.
Name | Type | Description |
value | string|number|object | Return the whole object of data based on given value |
####Returns: Array
This method will return the whole object corresponds to given value from datasource
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates the DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", value: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount: 20
var DropDownListObj = $("#dropdown").data("ejDropDownList");
console.log("Target CompanyName - "+ DropDownListObj.getItemDataByValue("Aria Cruz")[0].CompanyName);
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates the DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", value: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount: 20
var data = $('#dropdown').ejDropDownList('getItemDataByValue',"Aria Cruz")
console.log("Target CompanyName - "+ data[0].CompanyName);
This method is used to retrieve the items that are bound with the DropDownList.
This method will return the whole data which binds with Dropdownlist control
<select name="selectIndex" id="dropdown">
<option value="Art">Art</option>
<option value="Architecture">Architecture</option>
<option value="Biographies">Biographies</option>
<option value="Business">Business</option>
<option value="ComputerIT">Computer IT</option>
<option value="Comics">Comics</option>
<option value="Cookery">Cookery</option>
<option value="Environment">Environment</option>
<option value="Fiction">Fiction</option>
<option value="Health">Health</option>
<option value="Humanities">Humanities</option>
<option value="Language">Language</option>
// Creates the DropDownList.
var DropDownListObj = $('#dropdown').ejDropDownList(
text: "Comics"
var items = DropDownListObj.getListData();
for (var i=0;i< items.length; i++)
console.log("item" + i + " is " + items[i].text);
<select name="selectIndex" id="dropdown">
<option value="Art">Art</option>
<option value="Architecture">Architecture</option>
<option value="Biographies">Biographies</option>
<option value="Business">Business</option>
<option value="ComputerIT">Computer IT</option>
<option value="Comics">Comics</option>
<option value="Cookery">Cookery</option>
<option value="Environment">Environment</option>
<option value="Fiction">Fiction</option>
<option value="Health">Health</option>
<option value="Humanities">Humanities</option>
<option value="Language">Language</option>
// Creates the DropDownList.
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList({ text: "Comics"});
var items = $('#dropdown').ejDropDownList("getListData");
for (var i=0;i< items.length; i++)
console.log("item" + i + " is " + items[i].text);
This method is used to get the selected items in the DropDownList.
####Returns: Array
This method will return the selected item elements
<input type="text" id="dropdown" /><div id="carsList"><ul>
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Create DropDownList
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList({targetID: "carsList",value:"Audi A8"});
var DropDownListObj = $("#dropdown").data("ejDropDownList");
<input type="text" id="dropdown" /><div id="carsList"><ul>
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList({targetID: "carsList",value:"Audi A8"});
This method is used to retrieve the items value that are selected in the DropDownList.
Returns: string
This method will return the selected Item value and separated by delimiterChar in multi selection mode.
<select name="selectIndex" id="dropdown">
<option value="Art">Art</option>
<option value="Architecture">Architecture</option>
<option value="Biographies">Biographies</option>
<option value="Business">Business</option>
<option value="ComputerIT">Computer IT</option>
<option value="Comics">Comics</option>
<option value="Cookery">Cookery</option>
<option value="Environment">Environment</option>
<option value="Fiction">Fiction</option>
<option value="Health">Health</option>
<option value="Humanities">Humanities</option>
<option value="Language">Language</option>
// Creates the DropDownList.
var DropDownListObj = $('#dropdown').ejDropDownList(
text: "Comics"
<select name="selectIndex" id="dropdown">
<option value="Art">Art</option>
<option value="Architecture">Architecture</option>
<option value="Biographies">Biographies</option>
<option value="Business">Business</option>
<option value="ComputerIT">Computer IT</option>
<option value="Comics">Comics</option>
<option value="Cookery">Cookery</option>
<option value="Environment">Environment</option>
<option value="Fiction">Fiction</option>
<option value="Health">Health</option>
<option value="Humanities">Humanities</option>
<option value="Language">Language</option>
// Creates the DropDownList.
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList({ text: "Comics"});
This method hides the suggestion popup in the DropDownList.
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList
var DropDownListObj = $('#dropdown').ejDropDownList(
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5" ,
showPopupOnLoad :true
DropDownListObj.hidePopup(); //Hides popup of the DropDownList.
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5",
showPopupOnLoad :true
This method is used to select the list of items in the DropDownList through the Index of the items.
Name | Type | Description |
index | string|number|array | select the given index list items |
<select name="selectIndex" id="dropdown">
<option value="Art">Art</option>
<option value="Architecture">Architecture</option>
<option value="Biographies">Biographies</option>
<option value="Business">Business</option>
<option value="ComputerIT">Computer IT</option>
<option value="Comics">Comics</option>
<option value="Cookery">Cookery</option>
<option value="Environment">Environment</option>
<option value="Fiction">Fiction</option>
<option value="Health">Health</option>
<option value="Humanities">Humanities</option>
<option value="Language">Language</option>
// Creates the DropDownList.
var DropDownListObj =
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList({showCheckbox : true }).data("ejDropDownList");
DropDownListObj.selectItemsByIndices("2,3"); //selectItemByIndex for the DropDownList text.
<select name="selectIndex" id="dropdown">
<option value="Art">Art</option>
<option value="Architecture">Architecture</option>
<option value="Biographies">Biographies</option>
<option value="Business">Business</option>
<option value="ComputerIT">Computer IT</option>
<option value="Comics">Comics</option>
<option value="Cookery">Cookery</option>
<option value="Environment">Environment</option>
<option value="Fiction">Fiction</option>
<option value="Health">Health</option>
<option value="Humanities">Humanities</option>
<option value="Language">Language</option>
// Creates the DropDownList.
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList({showCheckbox : true });
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList("selectItemsByIndices", "2,3");
This method is used to select an item in the DropDownList by using the given text value.
Name | Type | Description |
index | string|number|array | select the list items relates to given text |
<select name="selectIndex" id="dropdown"><option value="Architecture">Architecture</option>
<option value="Biographies">Biographies</option>
<option value="Business">Business</option>
<option value="ComputerIT">Computer IT</option>
<option value="Comics">Comics</option>
<option value="Cookery">Cookery</option>
<option value="Environment">Environment</option>
<option value="Fiction">Fiction</option>
<option value="Health">Health</option>
<option value="Humanities">Humanities</option>
<option value="Language">Language</option></select><script>
// Creates the DropDownList.
var DropDownListObj =
showCheckbox : true
DropDownListObj.selectItemByText("Computer IT ,Comics ");
<select name="selectIndex" id="dropdown">
<option value="Art">Art</option>
<option value="Architecture">Architecture</option>
<option value="Biographies">Biographies</option>
<option value="Business">Business</option>
<option value="ComputerIT">Computer IT</option>
<option value="Comics">Comics</option>
<option value="Cookery">Cookery</option>
<option value="Environment">Environment</option>
<option value="Fiction">Fiction</option>
<option value="Health">Health</option>
<option value="Humanities">Humanities</option>
<option value="Language">Language</option>
// Creates the DropDownList.
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList({showCheckbox : true});
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList("selectItemByText", "Computer IT ,Comics ");
This method is used to select an item in the DropDownList by using the given value.
Name | Type | Description |
index | string|number|array | select the list items relates to given values |
<select name="selectIndex" id="dropdown">
<option value="Art">Art</option>
<option value="Architecture">Architecture</option>
<option value="Biographies">Biographies</option>
<option value="Business">Business</option>
<option value="ComputerIT">Computer IT</option>
<option value="Comics">Comics</option>
<option value="Cookery">Cookery</option>
<option value="Environment">Environment</option>
<option value="Fiction">Fiction</option>
<option value="Health">Health</option>
<option value="Humanities">Humanities</option>
<option value="Language">Language</option>
// Creates the DropDownList.
var DropDownListObj =
showCheckbox : true
DropDownListObj.selectItemByValue("ComputerIT, Cookery ");
<select name="selectIndex" id="dropdown">
<option value="Art">Art</option>
<option value="Architecture">Architecture</option>
<option value="Biographies">Biographies</option>
<option value="Business">Business</option>
<option value="ComputerIT">Computer IT</option>
<option value="Comics">Comics</option>
<option value="Cookery">Cookery</option>
<option value="Environment">Environment</option>
<option value="Fiction">Fiction</option>
<option value="Health">Health</option>
<option value="Humanities">Humanities</option>
<option value="Language">Language</option>
// Creates the DropDownList.
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList({showCheckbox : true});
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList("selectItemByValue", "ComputerIT, Cookery ");
This method shows the DropDownList control with the suggestion popup.
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
var DropDownListObj = $('#dropdown').ejDropDownList(
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5"
DropDownListObj.showPopup(); // hides Popup of the DropDownList.
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5"
This method is used to unselect all the items in the DropDownList.
<input type="text" id="dropdown" /><div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
var DropDownListObj = $('#dropdown').ejDropDownList(
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5" ,
<input type="text" id="dropdown" /><div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
This method is used to unselect the list of items in the DropDownList through Index of the items.
Name | Type | Description |
index | string|number|array | unselect the given index list items |
<select name="selectIndex" id="dropdown">
<option value="Art">Art</option>
<option value="Architecture">Architecture</option>
<option value="Biographies">Biographies</option>
<option value="Business">Business</option>
<option value="ComputerIT">Computer IT</option>
<option value="Comics">Comics</option>
<option value="Cookery">Cookery</option>
<option value="Environment">Environment</option>
<option value="Fiction">Fiction</option>
<option value="Health">Health</option>
<option value="Humanities">Humanities</option>
<option value="Language">Language</option>
// Creates the DropDownList.
var DropDownListObj = $('#dropdown').ejDropDownList(
checkAll: true,
<select name="selectIndex" id="dropdown">
<option value="Art">Art</option>
<option value="Architecture">Architecture</option>
<option value="Biographies">Biographies</option>
<option value="Business">Business</option>
<option value="ComputerIT">Computer IT</option>
<option value="Comics">Comics</option>
<option value="Cookery">Cookery</option>
<option value="Environment">Environment</option>
<option value="Fiction">Fiction</option>
<option value="Health">Health</option>
<option value="Humanities">Humanities</option>
<option value="Language">Language</option>
// Creates the DropDownList.
checkAll: true,
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList("unselectItemsByIndices", "2,3");
This method is used to unselect an item in the DropDownList by using the given text value.
Name | Type | Description |
index | string|number|array | unselect the list items relates to given text |
<select name="selectIndex" id="dropdown">
<option value="Art">Art</option>
<option value="Architecture">Architecture</option>
<option value="Biographies">Biographies</option>
<option value="Business">Business</option>
<option value="ComputerIT">Computer IT</option>
<option value="Comics">Comics</option>
<option value="Cookery">Cookery</option>
<option value="Environment">Environment</option>
<option value="Fiction">Fiction</option>
<option value="Health">Health</option>
<option value="Humanities">Humanities</option>
<option value="Language">Language</option>
// Creates the DropDownList.
var DropDownListObj = $('#dropdown').ejDropDownList(
checkAll: true,
showCheckbox :true
DropDownListObj.unselectItemByText("Computer IT, Cookery");
<select name="selectIndex" id="dropdown">
<option value="Art">Art</option>
<option value="Architecture">Architecture</option>
<option value="Biographies">Biographies</option>
<option value="Business">Business</option>
<option value="ComputerIT">Computer IT</option>
<option value="Comics">Comics</option>
<option value="Cookery">Cookery</option>
<option value="Environment">Environment</option>
<option value="Fiction">Fiction</option>
<option value="Health">Health</option>
<option value="Humanities">Humanities</option>
<option value="Language">Language</option>
// Creates the DropDownList.
checkAll: true,
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList("unselectItemByText", "Computer IT, Cookery ");
This method is used to unselect an item in the DropDownList by using the given value.
Name | Type | Description |
index | string|number|array | unselect the list items relates to given values |
<select name="selectIndex" id="dropdown">
<option value="Art">Art</option>
<option value="Architecture">Architecture</option>
<option value="Biographies">Biographies</option>
<option value="Business">Business</option>
<option value="ComputerIT">Computer IT</option>
<option value="Comics">Comics</option>
<option value="Cookery">Cookery</option>
<option value="Environment">Environment</option>
<option value="Fiction">Fiction</option>
<option value="Health">Health</option>
<option value="Humanities">Humanities</option>
<option value="Language">Language</option>
// Creates the DropDownList.
var DropDownListObj = $('#dropdown').ejDropDownList(
checkAll: true,
showCheckbox :true
DropDownListObj.unselectItemByValue("ComputerIT, Cookery ");
<select name="selectIndex" id="dropdown">
<option value="Art">Art</option>
<option value="Architecture">Architecture</option>
<option value="Biographies">Biographies</option>
<option value="Business">Business</option>
<option value="ComputerIT">Computer IT</option>
<option value="Comics">Comics</option>
<option value="Cookery">Cookery</option>
<option value="Environment">Environment</option>
<option value="Fiction">Fiction</option>
<option value="Health">Health</option>
<option value="Humanities">Humanities</option>
<option value="Language">Language</option>
// Creates the DropDownList.
checkAll: true,
$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList("unselectItemByValue", "ComputerIT, Cookery ");
Fires the action before the XHR request.
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates the DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", value: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount: 20,
actionBegin : function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires the action when the list of items is bound to the DropDownList by xhr post calling
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
count | number | Returns number of times trying to fetch the data |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
query | object | Returns the query for data retrieval |
request | object | Returns the query for data retrieval from the Database |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
result | array | Returns the number of items fetched from remote data |
xhr | object | Returns the requested data |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates the DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", value: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount: 20,
actionComplete: function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires the action when the xhr post calling failed on remote data binding with the DropDownList control.
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
error | object | Returns the error message |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
query | object | Returns the query for data retrieval |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates the DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", value: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount: 20,
actionFailure: function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires the action when the xhr post calling succeed on remote data binding with the DropDownList control
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
count | number | Returns number of times trying to fetch the data |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
query | object | Returns the query for data retrieval |
request | object | Returns the query for data retrieval from the Database |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
result | array | Returns the number of items fetched from remote data |
xhr | object | Returns the requested data |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", value: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount: 20,
actionSuccess: function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires the action before the popup is ready to hide.
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
text | string | returns the selected text |
value | string | returns the selected value |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5",
beforePopupHide: function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires the action before the popup is ready to be displayed.
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
text | string | returns the selected text |
value | string | returns the selected value |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5",
beforePopupShown: function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires when the cascading happens between two DropDownList exactly after the value changes in the first dropdown and before filtering in the second Dropdown.
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
cascadeModel | object | Returns the cascading dropdown model. |
cascadeValue | string | returns the current selected value in first dropdown. |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
requiresDefaultFilter | boolean | returns the default filter action for second dropdown data should happen or not. |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
<div style="float: left;">
<span>Select Group</span>
<input id="groupsList" type="text" />
<div style="float: right;">
<span>Select Country</span>
<input id="countryList" type="text" />
var groups = [
{ parentId: 'a', text: "Group A" },
{ parentId: 'b', text: "Group B" },
{ parentId: 'c', text: "Group C" },
{ parentId: 'd', text: "Group D" },
{ parentId: 'e', text: "Group E" }
var countries = [
{ value: 11, parentId: 'a', text: "Algeria", flag: "flag-dz" },
{ value: 12, parentId: 'a', text: "Armenia", flag: "flag-am" },
{ value: 13, parentId: 'a', text: "Bangladesh", flag: "flag-bangladesh" },
{ value: 14, parentId: 'a', text: "Cuba", flag: "flag-cu" },
{ value: 15, parentId: 'b', text: "Denmark", flag: "flag-denmark" },
{ value: 16, parentId: 'b', text: "Egypt", flag: "flag-eg" },
{ value: 17, parentId: 'c', text: "Finland", flag: "flag-fi" },
{ value: 18, parentId: 'c', text: "India", flag: "flag-in" },
{ value: 19, parentId: 'c', text: "Malaysia", flag: "flag-my" },
{ value: 20, parentId: 'd', text: "New Zealand", flag: "flag-new-zealand" },
{ value: 21, parentId: 'd', text: "Norway", flag: "flag-no" },
{ value: 22, parentId: 'd', text: "Poland", flag: "flag-pl" },
{ value: 23, parentId: 'e', text: "Romania", flag: "flag-ro" },
{ value: 24, parentId: 'e', text: "Singapore", flag: "flag-singapore" },
{ value: 25, parentId: 'e', text: "Thailand", flag: "flag-th" },
{ value: 26, parentId: 'e', text: "Ukraine", flag: "flag-ukraine" }
// Sets the cascadeTo API value during initialization
dataSource: groups,
fields: { value: "parentId", text: "text" },
cascadeTo: 'countryList',
cascade: function (args) {/*Do your changes */ }
Fires the action when the DropDownList control’s value is changed.
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
isChecked | boolean | Returns the selected item with checkbox checked or not. |
itemId | string | Returns the selected item ID. |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
selectedText | string | Returns the selected item text. |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
text | string | Returns the selected text. |
value | string | Returns the selected value. |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5",
change: function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires the action when the list item checkbox value is changed.
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
isChecked | boolean | Returns the selected item with checkbox checked or not. |
itemId | string | Returns the selected item ID. |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
selectedText | string | Returns the selected item text. |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
text | string | Returns the selected text. |
value | string | Returns the selected value. |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5",
showCheckbox: true,
checkChange: function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires the action once the DropDownList is created.
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5",
create: function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires the action when the list items is bound to the DropDownList.
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
data | object | returns the data that is bound to DropDownList |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", value: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount: 20,
dataBound: function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires the action when the DropDownList is destroyed.
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | its value is set as true,if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5",
destroy: function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires the action when the DropDownList is focused.
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | its value is set as true,if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
focusIn: function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires the action when the DropDownList is about to lose focus.
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | its value is set as true,if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
focusOut: function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires the action, once the popup is closed
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
text | string | returns the selected text |
value | string | returns the selected value |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5",
popupHide: function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires the action, when the popup is resized.
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
event | object | Returns the data from the resizable plugin. |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" /><script>
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates the DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", value: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount: 20,
enablePopupResize: true,
popupResize: function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires the action, once the popup is opened.
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
text | string | returns the selected text |
value | string | returns the selected value |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5",
popupShown: function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires the action, when resizing a popup starts.
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
event | object | Returns the data from the resizable plugin. |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" })
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates the DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", value: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount: 20,
popupResizeStart: function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires the action, when the popup resizing is stopped.
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
event | object | Returns the data from the resizable plugin. |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
var dataManagerObj = ej.DataManager({ url: "http://mvc.syncfusion.com/services/Northwnd.svc/Orders" });
var query = ej.Query().select("ShipName", "ShipCountry");
// Creates the DropDownList.
dataSource: dataManagerObj,
query: query,
fields: { text: "ShipName", value: "ShipCountry" },
itemsCount: 20,
popupResizeStop: function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires the action before filtering the list items that starts in the DropDownList when the enableFilterSearch is enabled.
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
items | object | Returns the data bound to the DropDownList. |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
selectedText | string | Returns the selected item text. |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
searchString | string | Returns the search string typed in search box. |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5",
enableFilterSearch : true,
search: function (args)
/*Do your changes */
Fires the action, when the list of item is selected.
Name | Type | Description |
cancel | boolean | if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false. |
isChecked | boolean | Returns the selected item with checkbox checked or not. |
itemId | string | Returns the selected item ID. |
model | object | returns the DropDownList model |
selectedText | string | Returns the selected item text. |
type | string | returns the name of the event |
text | string | Returns the selected text. |
value | string | Returns the selected value. |
<input type="text" id="dropdown" />
<div id="carsList">
<li>Audi A4</li>
<li>Audi A5</li>
<li>Audi A6</li>
<li>Audi A7</li>
<li>Audi A8</li>
// Creates the DropDownList.
targetID: "carsList",
value: "Audi A5",
showCheckbox: true,
select: function (args)
/*Do your changes */