Data Binding

28 Jun 201724 minutes to read

Spreadsheet can be populated with external datasource using dataSource property. The dataSource property can be assigned either with the instance of ej.DataManager or JSON data array collection. Spreadsheet supports three different kinds of Data binding.

  • Local Data
  • Remote Data
  • HTML Table Data

Local Data

To bind local data to the Spreadsheet, you can assign a JSON array to the worksheet dataSource property. The following code illustrates how to bind local data to the Spreadsheet,

  • HTML
  • <body ng-controller="SpreadsheetCtrl">
         <div id="Spreadsheet" ej-spreadsheet e-sheets="sheetData"></div>
  • var syncApp = angular.module("defaultApp", ["ngRoute", "ejangular"]);
    // the datasource "window.filterData" is referred from ''
         syncApp.controller('SpreadsheetCtrl', function ($scope,$rootScope) {
             $scope.sheetData = [{
                    dataSource: window.filterData,

    The following output is displayed as a result of the above code snippets.

    Remote Data

    To bind remote data to the Spreadsheet, you can assign a service data as an instance of ej.DataManager to the worksheet dataSource property. The following code illustrates how to bind remote data to the Spreadsheet,

  • HTML
  • <body ng-controller="SpreadsheetCtrl">
         <div id="Spreadsheet" ej-spreadsheet e-sheets="sheetData"></div>
  • var syncApp = angular.module("defaultApp", ["ngRoute", "ejangular"]);
         syncApp.controller('SpreadsheetCtrl', function ($scope,$rootScope) {
             $scope.sheetData = [{
                    dataSource: ej.DataManager(""),
                    query: ej.Query().take(50).select(["OrderID", "CustomerID", "EmployeeID", "ShipName", "ShipAddress"]),
                    primaryKey: "OrderID",

    The following output is displayed as a result of the above code snippets.

    Offline Mode

    To avoid sending post back request to server on every action, Spreadsheet allows user to create, update and delete data on client side. To enable this, set offline property of ej.DataManager as true to fetch all data from server on initial rendering of Spreadsheet and perform all operation on client side.

    The following code illustrates offline data binding for Spreadsheet,

  • HTML
  • <body ng-controller="SpreadsheetCtrl">
         <div id="Spreadsheet" ej-spreadsheet e-sheets="sheetData"></div>
  • var syncApp = angular.module("defaultApp", ["ngRoute", "ejangular"]);
         syncApp.controller('SpreadsheetCtrl', function ($scope,$rootScope) {
             $scope.sheetData = [{
                    dataSource: ej.DataManager({
                    url: "",
                    offline: true
                query: ej.Query().select(["OrderID", "CustomerID", "EmployeeID", "ShipName",  "ShipAddress"]),
                primaryKey: "OrderID"

    The following output is displayed as a result of the above code snippets.


    For further reference about offline property in ej.DataManager refer following link

    HTML Table Data

    An HTML Table element can also be used as the data source of Spreadsheet. To use HTML Table as data source, the table element should be passed to worksheet dataSource property of Spreadsheet as an instance of the ej.DataManager. The following code illustrates how to bind HTML Table data to the Spreadsheet,

  • HTML
  • <body ng-controller="SpreadsheetCtrl">
         <div id="Spreadsheet" ej-spreadsheet e-sheets="sheetData"></div>
    <table id="Table1">
                <td>Dell Vostro</td>
                <td>Windows 8</td>
                <td>HP Pavilion Sleekbook</td>
                <td>Windows 8</td>
                <td>Sony Vaio</td>
                <td>Windows 7 Home Premium</td>
                <td>4GB DDR3 RAM</td>
                <td>Yoga 13</td>
                <td>Windows 8 RT</td>
                <td>2GB DDR3 RAM</td>
                <td>Windows 8 SL</td>
                <td>8GB DDR3 RAM</td>
  • var syncApp = angular.module("defaultApp", ["ngRoute", "ejangular"]);
         syncApp.controller('SpreadsheetCtrl', function ($scope,$rootScope) {
             $scope.sheetData = [{
                    dataSource: ej.DataManager($("#Table1")),

    The following output is displayed as a result of the above code snippets.

    Ways to bind data in Spreadsheet

    You can bind data to Spreadsheet in following ways,

    • Cell binding
    • Range binding
    • Sheet binding

    Cell Binding

    Spreadsheet can bind data for individual cells in a sheet. The data may contain value, style, format, comment and hyperlink. The individual cell properties are listed below,

    Properties Description
    index To specify particular cell
    value To specify value. It may be string, integer, formula etc.
    style To specify style in the cell
    format To specify number format in the cell
    comment To specify comment in the cell
    hyperlink To specify hyperlink in the cell

    The individual row properties are listed below,

    Properties Description
    index To specify particular row
    height To specify height in the row

    You can specify particular row with index property and its height with height property in the rows’ property collection. The following code illustrates cell binding in Spreadsheet,

  • HTML
  • <body ng-controller="SpreadsheetCtrl">
         <div id="Spreadsheet" ej-spreadsheet e-sheets="sheetData"></div>
  • var syncApp = angular.module("defaultApp", ["ngRoute", "ejangular"]);
         syncApp.controller('SpreadsheetCtrl', function ($scope,$rootScope) {
             $scope.sheetData = [{
                    rows: [{
                        height: 30,
                        cells: [
                        { value: "Item Name", style: { "font-weight": "bold", "color": "#FFFFFF", "background-color": "#428bca" } },
                        { value: "Quantity", style: { "font-weight": "bold", "color": "#FFFFFF", "background-color": "#428bca" } },
                        { value: "Price", style: { "font-weight": "bold", "color": "#FFFFFF", "background-color": "#428bca" } },
                        { value: "Amount", style: { "font-weight": "bold", "color": "#FFFFFF", "background-color": "#428bca" } },
                        { value: "Stock Detail", style: { "font-weight": "bold", "color": "#FFFFFF", "background-color": "#428bca" } },
                        { value: "Website", style: { "font-weight": "bold", "color": "#FFFFFF", "background-color": "#428bca" } }
                    cells: [
                    { value: "Casual Shoes", comment: { value: "Casual Footwears with wide variety of colors." } },
                    { value: "20", index: 2, format: { type: "currency" } },
                    { value: "=B2*C2" },
                    { value: "OUT OF STOCK" },
                    { value: "Amazon", hyperlink: { webAddr: "" } }
                    cells: [
                    { value: "Sports Shoes", style: { "background-color": "#E5F3FF" } },
                    { value: "20", style: { "background-color": "#E5F3FF" } },
                    { value: "30", format: { type: "currency" }, style: { "background-color": "#E5F3FF" } },
                    { value: "=B3*C3", style: { "background-color": "#E5F3FF" } },
                    { value: "IN STOCK", style: { "background-color": "#E5F3FF" } },
                    { value: "AliExpress", hyperlink: { webAddr: "" }, style: { "background-color": "#E5F3FF" } }
                    cells: [
                    { value: "Formal Shoes", comment: { value: "Formal Footwears with wide range of sizes." } },
                    { value: "20" },
                    { value: "15", format: { type: "currency" } },
                    { value: "=B4*C4" },
                    { value: "IN STOCK" },
                    { value: "Amazon", hyperlink: { webAddr: "" } }
                    height: 30,
                    index: 5,
                    cells: [
                    { style: { "background-color": "#428bca" } },
                    { style: { "background-color": "#428bca" } },
                    { value: "Total Amount", index: 2, style: { "font-weight": "bold", "color": "#FFFFFF", "background-color": "#428bca" } },
                    { value: "=Sum(D2:D4)", style: { "font-weight": "bold", "color": "#FFFFFF", "background-color": "#428bca" } },
                    { style: { "background-color": "#428bca" } },
                    { style: { "background-color": "#428bca" } }

    The following output is displayed as a result of the above code snippets.

    Range Binding

    Spreadsheet can bind data for one or more range in a sheet using rangeSettings. The individual range properties are listed below,

    Properties Description


    To specify JSON or



    To specify query for



    To specify start cell of a range


    To specify data source primary key


    To show data source header


    To specify header styles

    The following code illustrates range binding in Spreadsheet

  • HTML
  • <body ng-controller="SpreadsheetCtrl">
         <div id="Spreadsheet" ej-spreadsheet e-sheets="sheetData"></div>
  • var syncApp = angular.module("defaultApp", ["ngRoute", "ejangular"]);
         syncApp.controller('SpreadsheetCtrl', function ($scope,$rootScope) {
             $scope.sheetData = [{
                    rangeSettings: [{
                        // the datasource "window.markList" is referred from ''
                        dataSource: window.markList,
                        startCell: "C2",
                        showHeader: true,
                        headerStyles: { "font-weight": "bold" }

    The following output is displayed as a result of the above code snippets.

    Sheet Binding

    Spreadsheet can bind data for a sheet. The individual sheet properties are listed below,

    Properties Description


    To specify JSON or



    To specify query for



    To specify start cell of a range


    To specify data source primary key


    To show data source header


    To specify header styles


    To show data source fields in column header

    The following code illustrates sheet binding in Spreadsheet

  • HTML
  • <body ng-controller="SpreadsheetCtrl">
         <div id="Spreadsheet" ej-spreadsheet e-sheets="sheetData"></div>
  • var syncApp = angular.module("defaultApp", ["ngRoute", "ejangular"]);
         syncApp.controller('SpreadsheetCtrl', function ($scope,$rootScope) {
             $scope.sheetData = [{
                     dataSource: ej.DataManager(""),
                    query: ej.Query().take(50).select(["OrderID", "CustomerID", "EmployeeID", "ShipName", "ShipAddress"]),
                    fieldAsColumnHeader: true,
                    primaryKey: "OrderID"

    The following output is displayed as a result of the above code snippets.